Just played the demo and I have to say I like it
Definite Far Cry feel to it, had a nice memorable moment when I using the jeeps machine gun to fire open a group of soldiers hiding in a cluster of trees, 1 of them tried to hide, but during the fire fight I managed to cut down 1 of the tree and it fell square on this head
1 thing I liked over Far Cry is that the soldiers don't have ninja senses, it was a pain trying to sneak up on anybody in Far Cry.
Nothing like a satisfying cloak & choke
Was quite disappointed when the game recommended low settings for my rig, prehaps my 7800 isn't cutting the mustard anymore.
Still very playable on low, but I decided to look at the other settings.
Medium - Now we're talking, game looked great, but the drop of FPS in fire fights was too much to make it playable.
High -
If you ever need an excuse to upgrade, this is it. I can only imagine what very high looks like.
I've been an inital naysayer of this game, worrying that it's all graphics and little substance, but this has just gone on my pre-order list.