*** Official DCS World Thread ***

I'm impresed with the fog effects. Hopefully see more of that over land areas with valleys etc in upcoming videos.

The deck crew is cool, but not sure abotu teh magic 180° near the end. I think a 1 second fade out (to black) and fade back in would have worked better.
I'm impresed with the fog effects. Hopefully see more of that over land areas with valleys etc in upcoming videos.

The deck crew is cool, but not sure abotu teh magic 180° near the end. I think a 1 second fade out (to black) and fade back in would have worked better.

Agreed on the 180, seemed a bit jarring after the rest of it.
My guess is that at a later date they’ll add a tractor pushing the aircraft into its parking spot
That resetting of position should be a command. If I'm ending the mission and not taking off again I just don't want it happening.
I'm not sure what to make of the "Remastered F-5E" in the news this week.
I like that ED are bringing things up to date, but as the "fixes and updates to systems" are being applied to both the original and the Remastered, other than a graphical update I'm not sure what the $10 brings?
I'm not sure what to make of the "Remastered F-5E" in the news this week.
I like that ED are bringing things up to date, but as the "fixes and updates to systems" are being applied to both the original and the Remastered, other than a graphical update I'm not sure what the $10 brings?

I think the answer is nothing beyond visuals.
My interpretation is that it helps fund getting models ready for the move to Vulkan. Fund if you wish.
Personally I’m happy to cough up, even though the F5 is one of my least favourite aircraft (I just find it a bit dull), but that’s because I’m happy to keep the rest of the game moving forward.
I understand that, and totally want the game to progress, and to be honest I'm torn.
I'm pretty well invested, and liek you I've bought things I rarely use (looking at you supercarrier and mosquito) - I've put more cash and more impotrtantly time into this one game than any other. But after reading reports of the money being siphoned out into one of the owners other "interests" as buisiness loans, I'm hesitant to push more money that way unless its something I really want. I don't know how true it is about the loans, but the fact ED haven't addressed that makes me think it is true.
I'm still putting in time investment, and that hasn't just been flying - I've actually spent more time over the last 2+ years learning to script and developing my own PVE playground than actual time flying. If you see "LittleWars" on the server list, feel free to jump in and say hi - it's like Air Land Battle but for DCS.
All that said, if they make and show continual and tangible progress on the AI, then they'll have me purchasing again like I used to.
I've only got the simplified/DCS lite version of F-5E, I wonder if that version could be upgraded as well. But I do like the idea of upgrading old DCS modules, hope P-51 Mustang is next on the list.
Winwing Orion2 viperace EX arrived today. Only have x52pro to compare to but WOW! Talk about night and day difference. Now need the rudder peddles. Damn this is getting pricey!

Time to get my first hi-fidelity module. Recommendations? Was thinking F18 as it seems to be a good all rounder?
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Nice one @w3bbo, having a nice HOTAS makes a real difference on the enjoyment factor.

As for choosing a first module, i think it is a very personal thing combined with what state the module is in.
Find something that you want to fly rather than think you should fly, as you have to be enthused enough to invest time in learning it.
Winwing Orion2 viperace EX arrived today. Only have x52pro to compare to but WOW! Talk about night and day difference. Now need the rudder peddles. Damn this is getting pricey!

Time to get my first hi-fidelity module. Recommendations? Was thinking F18 as it seems to be a good all rounder?
Great choice on HOTAS:D

F18 is absolutely a great choice for first full fidelity modules and you wouldnt go wrong with that.
I've bought a few Full Fidelity modules now, F18, F16, Harrier and I've considered purchasing the Warthog. However I've been very reluctant even with the steam sale on. As I just dont think I'll use it enough. I always end up back in the Hornet. Its just so adaptable, want a missile truck? It can do that! Want a bomb truck? its got you covered. SEAD? Sure thing bro!
I'm kind of biased though as its what I learned in first and I've yet to put any significant time into the other aircraft as I just dont have much of it these days. When I do get round to firing up DCS its just easier to fire up a quick mission or play through a campaign mission in the F/A18.

@Littlenose is spot on with what they are saying though.
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Thanks both. All time fave has to be the f14. Best looking aircraft ever imo. It's just a bit dated now and want something that, like you say can do it all so f18 it is. Then maybe ah64. Wonder if it'll top microphone gunship :)
Nice one... the first FF module is a wonderful thing to explore, hope you have a lot of fun.
A big bonus is with the Hornet being ED, then you know you'll have long running support for it too.

Yeah, I think the Tomcat holds a place in most flight sim enthusiast hearts. I've got it, but not done a deep dive on it, I tend to just pretend to be 'Mav' flinging heaters and Sparrows all over the joint at Mig-28's :D

I have the Apache, and it's a lot of fun, and simply devastating !
As a side note, be careful, before you know it you'll have a dozen modules :eek:
The F18 will definitely keep you going for a while with the sheer amount of things to learn.
Even once you’re proficient with it’s complexity, there’s still a need to keep practicing so as to stay proficient.
BTW, I’m a massive fan of the F18
One thing the F/A-18 has over the F-14 in DCS is that replays are broken with the F-14. To me it's a deal breaker, especially so for the most cinematic jet in history of humankind - the F-14 :)

With the F/A-18, I'd recommend getting the Rising Squall DLC campaign to ease yourself into it all. Especially if you ever liked Ace Combat and its music and atmosphere. Rising Squall also has a separate training campaign for the F/A-18, which is much MUCH better than the stock training missions - it's to the point, quick and tongue in cheek fun ("Don't worry, it's totally scientific that we can rearm missiles midflight" :D )
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One thing the F/A-18 has over the F-14 in DCS is that replays are broken with the F-14. To me it's a deal breaker, especially so for the most cinematic jet in history of humankind - the F-14 :)

With the F/A-18, I'd recommend getting the Rising Squall DLC campaign to ease yourself into it all. Especially if you ever liked Ace Combat and its music and atmosphere. Rising Squall also has a separate training campaign for the F/A-18, which is much MUCH better than the stock training missions - it's to the point, quick and tongue in cheek fun ("Don't worry, it's totally scientific that we can rearm missiles midflight" :D )
I'll give that a go for sure. I've just started following Growling sidewinders guides and reading chucks guide for the F18. Looks like I'm gonna be busy over the xmas period!
Need some advice chaps on a quality HOTAS setup for DCS flight simming ( my focus would be modern jets, but I did enjoy flying warbird sims eg. IL-2 Sturmovik back in the day ). Unfortunately I gave away my TM Warthog stick/throttle and CH pedals a few years ago, and now just have a TM Airbus stick/quadrant/throttle which wouldn't be ideal for military sims. I'm not familiar with the likes of Virpil, WinWing etc ... they didn't exist when I was into simming years ago. At the moment I think I'm leaning toward the the Virpil VPC WarBRD-D base ( uncertain which grip ... ? VPC V.F.X ) and VPC 50CM3 throttle. Anyone have any suggestions / advice for optimising my DCS experience ?
In terms of HOTAS, also look into the VKB stuff as another option.
I don't have one, but their "Gladiator" gets great reviews and I believe it's well priced.

I think head tracking or VR is the best thing you can do for your experience once you have a HOTAS sorted.
Also, depending if your modules have MFDs or not, the Cougar MFD's by Thrustmaster are nice-to-haves.
One thing which is free is the mission editor learn at least how to change the weather, time of day etc. can make a huge difference in the look.
Need some advice chaps on a quality HOTAS setup for DCS flight simming ( my focus would be modern jets, but I did enjoy flying warbird sims eg. IL-2 Sturmovik back in the day ). Unfortunately I gave away my TM Warthog stick/throttle and CH pedals a few years ago, and now just have a TM Airbus stick/quadrant/throttle which wouldn't be ideal for military sims. I'm not familiar with the likes of Virpil, WinWing etc ... they didn't exist when I was into simming years ago. At the moment I think I'm leaning toward the the Virpil VPC WarBRD-D base ( uncertain which grip ... ? VPC V.F.X ) and VPC 50CM3 throttle. Anyone have any suggestions / advice for optimising my DCS experience ?
Love my winwing kit. Took a long time to push the buy button on the stick and throttle setup. I heavily researched most setups and be happier with the kit I ended up with. Heard good things about virpil too (Constellation Alpha). Both TOTR stuff though so a bit on the pricey side. The VKB Gladiators also get good reviews but I wanted to all metal rather than plastic this time around. I'd deffo add in a headtracker, that's a must imo for situational awareness and also immersion. TrackIR or Tobii are both great options.
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