*** Official DCS World Thread ***

Even though ive had my eye on the Mi8 and will probably buy at that price, I gotta agree to some degree with marker. I'll be surprised if belsimtek will get as many early adopters for the next thing they release which i guess could have repercussions on future prices/sale discounts that people may not like.
No chance.. They can bite on my hairy sack before they get any more money from me..

The fact that the Huey isn't even out of beta yet is what gets to me, not the fact that I paid top dollar for it.. Then they go and release another module and do the exact same thing again.. Way to shaft your early adopters, if that is Belsimtek's business model, they won't around for long!

I take it u bought the huey and the MI8 at full price ?

I got taken in by huey but waited for the MI8
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At this stage anyone would be a mug to buy the games at full price, they have sales so, so, sooooooooo often it's almost as if they profit more from reasonable prices.

*ahem* ;)
I take it up bought the huey and the MI8 at full price ?

I got taken in by huey but waited for the MI8

Just the Huey mate. I knew they were going to do that with the MI8..

Like I said I don't mind paying full price if it is something I really want, but I feel they are taking the proverbial putting the MI8 on sale so early, it is like they have no respect for their customer base.

In a great PR move from ED, they released the following statement to salve the
butthurt that some people felt regarding MI8 and the discount

Dear all,

Apologies for taking a bit to respond on this subject, but we first wanted come up with a means of compensation for those that purchased Mi-8MTV2 at full price. We recognize that the sale of this product was too soon after the initial sale and we want to make this right. As such, all those that purchased Mi-8MTV2 prior to the Autumn sale will be receiving a 70% coupon for any current or future DCS product.


You have to be a complete moron to buy any ED products full price from now on, I got caught out on the Huey, but didn't feel bad as it was something like 6-9 weeks later before the sale started. I knew the Mi8 would be in a future sale so I waited and reaped the rewards yesterday. I will do the same again with the Super Hornet, just wait for a sale even if it is a 12 month wait, it doesn't matter with so many other modules to master.


I have just ordered Siatek pro pedals as I am really struggling with the huey and Mi-8 wihtout them, I need them for BS too. I cannot wait, 5 day free delivery though, so long wait :(
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Has anyone got some tips for smoother huey flying, particularly at low speeds? I'm at the stage where I'm just about competant (ie not crashing...), but there's still a good degree of lurching around on the takeoff and landing :(
Has anyone got some tips for smoother huey flying, particularly at low speeds? I'm at the stage where I'm just about competant (ie not crashing...), but there's still a good degree of lurching around on the takeoff and landing :(

Without translational lift you just need to trim for hover and make very small cyclic movements. Unless you are extremely subtle on the stick make sure that you have some curves set up for the x and y axes.

When gaining speed for take-off slowly reduce left pedal input to maintain your heading and you should not need to increase collective. As you reach around 20-30 knots you will notice the transition into translational lift, so tip cyclic forward slightly to maintain desired vertical speed.
As you get better at this you will understand how much cyclic movement is required and be able to do this much quicker.

For landings, lower collective and adjust cyclic to maintain a steady forward and vertical descent speed.
As you reduce forward speed (aft cyclic) and collective, maintain your heading with gradual right pedal.
As speed drops to below 40 knots watch your vertical velocity indicator and slowly and smoothly increase collective to ensure that vertical speed is not faster than roughly 500ft/m, while gradually applying left pedal to counter rotor torque and maintain heading.
Keep reducing speed and increasing left pedal until hover and then touchdown.

You can descend at any speed assuming you maintain translational lift, but the forward airspeed must be bled while not gaining altitude for the transition to hover, which is much easier and safer to do gradually.

Ensure that all inputs are smooth and deliberate and do not ignore your instruments, they tell you everything you need to know to successfully complete these manoeuvres (vertical velocity, airspeed and slip indicators).

I personally found the control indicator (ctrl + enter) a hindrance after learning required cyclic position for a hover and turned it off shortly afterwards. It can be a huge distraction and doesn't help at all when practising these transitions.

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New update patch out today

DCS 1.2.6 Update 1 - Change Log

DCS World

Fixed crash when loading mission from a public server.
Fixed crash after jumping from aircraft during an "Autostart".
Fixed crash when try to lock ground target when using Easy Radar mode.
Fixed crash after collision of two aircraft.
Fixed crash when player gets close to column with delayed start.
Fixed crash after plane switches to glide path.
Kuznetsov ATC can now recover multiple flights without causing collisions.
Fixed IR pointer when using Combined Arms.
Corrected SSE: Empty Error message on coalition.addGroup().
Glide slope ring and К, Г marks for landing mode are now present for airfields with full Russian ILS system.
Restored Flight tasking commands when not in Game Mode. Attack air defenses: LWIN-D. Attack ground units: LWIN-G. Attack your locked target: LWIN-Q.
Fixed 'Value' in trigger 'Bomb in zone' trigger action.
Fixed missing text: "2, rolling" when starting taxi.
Corrected R-73 DLZ for AI. They should no longer launch outside their DLZ.

DCS: Black Shark 2

IT-23 symbology aspect has been corrected.
Fixed joystick commands for kneeboard.
Fixed missing target markers on Ka-50 Easy Radar.
Fixed simulator crash when loading standard arcade mission for Ka-50 when using Easy Avionics mode.

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3

Su-33 falling through the flight deck when landing on the carrier has been fixed.
F-15C and Su-33 unable to connect twice to tanker in network play has been fixed.
F-15C Tanker AP won't disengage when online has been fixed.
F-15C ADI LNAV "Jiggle" has been fixed.
Several A-10A switches have had their position set to on: PAC Switch, Inverter Switch, AC Gen Switches, Radar Altimeter Switch, Anti Skid Switch, Fuel Boost Pump Switch, and Engine Fuel Flow Switches.

DCS: Combined Arms

Fixed crash occurring when Targeting Panel of selected unit is viewed.
Keyboard input script has been corrected.

DCS: A-10C Warthog

Fixed tanker not completing refueling when in network play.


Corrected beacon light connection to electrical bus.
Fixed "floating" UV-26 indication textures.
Added "RI-65 is operative" voice message when turning on the VWS.
Implemented “Game Mode” flight model.

DCS: UH-1H Huey

Fixed M134 minigun fire audio.
AI UH-1H can now fire M134 minigun.
Fixed autostart.
Flexible sight line of sight is now controlled separately from view camera control.
Hey Guys I bought DCS A10-A over the weekend and have yet to get it to run. Ideally I want to keep this game as it looks incredible but it just wont start on my machine. I've downloaded it from both Steam and Eagle Dynamics and had the same issue both times.

My PC spec is as follows.
CPU - I3 3240 3.4Ghz
GPU - GTX 760
Ram - 8GB DDR3
HDD - 500GB 7200RPM
OS - Win8 64Bit
The log in the save game folder is not much use and the event log states that there is an error with ZweiBlau.dll

Any help would be greatly appreciate, I have tried the usual suspects listed on the steam forums and the ED forums to no avail.
New patch out today

DCS Update 2 Change Log

DCS World

Fixed a crash caused by AI in certain conditions.
Fixed crash caused by fullscreen mode failing to initialize when using multimonitor presets (fall back to windowed mode in case of fail).
Multiplayer. Fixed client crash caused by AWACS being killed.
Kh-22 missile 3D model corrected.
Su-25T. Laser Rangefinder doesn't turned OFF when Route mode selected is fixed.

DCS: A-10C Warthog

Fixed crash caused by Mission Prepare.

Flaming Cliffs 3

F-15C. Extra chaff loading has been corrected.
F-15C. Fixed Navigation Mode not updating after aerial refueling.
Fixed Kuznetsov aircraft carrier ATC not providing permission to take off.
Corrected position of smoke outlet of smoke generators.
Su-27. Sorbcya ECM pod 3D model - Fixed navigation light position.
Su-27. 3D model - Fixed canopy texture issue.
Su-27. Adjusted landing gear light cone.
Su-27. Fixed bug with tail numbering for Su-27 "Air Force Standard" scheme.
Su-27. Corrected landing gear animation.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight BETA

Corrected upper blister sections of the cockpit 3D model.
Updated animation of radio channel selectors.
Added animations for the RI-65 voice warning system control panel.
Added thumb button to the rotor brake lever.
Added wheel brake lever to the cyclic control handle.
Adjusted wheel brake sound.
Added bomb release command (B) to the default input profile.
Fuel shut off valves defaulted to off during cold start.
Corrected armament keys for joystick.
Corrected altimeter pressure limits.
Fixed audio volume adjustment when opening/closing blisters.
Removed audio volume adjustment when opening/closing fuselage door.
Fixed camera position issue caused by multiple presses of the Flight Engineer position command.
6 DOF now works correctly when switching to the right pilot position.
Corrected operation of dust protection device heating, engine heating.
Added rudder trimmer option.
Circuit breakers. Common turning-off functionality for auto-stop.


Fixed sticking commands in the left pilot position.

I have a10c and flaming cliffs 3 for dcs world, just wondering if the dcs p51 is worth buying?

I will get black shark 2 at some point but I am more interested in WW2 aviation so I thought I should get the p51. Does this have a good amount of content, ie single player campaign, scenarios etc? Are there plenty of people to play the p51 module with in multiplayer? Yeah I know the modules combine but I'm looking for p51 dogfights and missions and stuff. Thanks.

Also is combined arms worthwhile?

Thanks again :D

Edit : Hmm after reading the simhq review, content for p51 seems thin and not many servers catering to it. I think I'd be best off getting black shark 2 first then I might invest in p51.
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1.2.7 Open Beta is now available
more details here -> http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=117731

Change Log

DCS World

Improved network play stability.
Track file are now automatically created when a crash is detected. In order to help the team find and correct MP issues that we are not always in position to produce during testing, 1.2.7 introduces the writing of tracks even when the game crashes. These tracks can be provided to the testers and developers in order to reproduce the conditions that caused the crash and correct it. This feature is a big step towards solving possible future and current problems that are often difficult to hunt down. When playing on a server and you experience a crash, put up an MP crash post and include that track in your post. Same thing goes for server owners.
CBU-87/103. Decreased the count of graphic effects for improving FPS.
ECM effectiveness against air defense systems has been significantly increased.
Adjust Control window for in-game input adjustment were added. Adjust Control button can be find in the system panel by pressing ESC.
VHF AM radio frequencies now correctly increased by 10 Mhz.
The input modifiers are separated for each input layer (for each aircraft).
Corrected night detection ranges of ground units with IR sensors.
Reworked the Dynamic Launch Zone (DLZ) of SAMs. It will now take to account the target’s data instead of the earlier fixed zone.
Kh-25ML (AS-10) new flight dynamics implemented.
Increased explosive mass to all HE rounds. Explosive now mass equals the round mass. This was decided because HE rounds lack fragmentation and were very weak on regards to proximity damage.
R-27R/T, R-27ER/ET. Corrected drag and lift. Adjusted DLZ data.
Corrected a far LOD of projectile's green tracer.
Added engine smoke for most aircraft.
Added SAM launchers elevation above target LOS. To preventing the missile crashing to surface when target flying very low the SAMs will be launch missiles slightly above LOS of SAM to target.
Added AI MQ-9 Reaper.
Changed Tu-22M3 payloads. If you have custom payloads of Tu-22M3 please delete custom file C:\Users\<USER NAME>\Saved Games\DCS\MissionEditor\UnitPayloads\Tu-22M3.lua to prevent conflict.
Added new GBU-31(V)3 penetrating bomb.
AIM-9M/P, MIM-72G. Decreased lift and drag factors.
Spanish squadrons added to the log book.
AGM-84E changed warhead type from blast-fragmentation to penetration.
Added new Su-33 model.
Bombs are now visually loaded into the bomb-bays for the B-52, B-1B, and Tu-22.
B-52 and B-1B now have CAS tasks.
Support for Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 stick is now working again for all modules. Tuning is ongoing.
Support for Logitech G940 FFB stick is now working again for all modules except Mi-8MTV2 rudder trim. Tuning is ongoing. You must set FFB shake in the FFB Tune Menu to 100%.
New and improved ship wakes. Must set water setting to High.
Added new MISSION page for selection of single missions.
Adjusted valid store options for A-10A:

Added: AGM-65H – Station 3 & 9 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (2 and 3 each).
Added AGM-65G – Station 3 & 9 on LAU-117.
Added LAU-131 – Stations 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10.
Added LAU-68 - Stations 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10.
Added MK-82/MK-82AIR – Option to load on TER for stations 3, 4, 8, 9.
Added BDU-33 – TERs on stations 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Added BDU-50LD/HD on all stations.
Made ALQ-131 – available on both 1 & 11.
Made AIM-9M/P – available on both 1 & 11.
Added 600 US GAL drop tank – Station 4, 6, & 8
Added ALQ-184 - Stations 1 and 11.
Removed LAU-61 – all stations.
Removed Mk-20 Rockeye – all stations.
Removed AGM-65K – LAU-88 option for station 3 & 9.

Adjusted valid stores for A-10C:

Added STN 6 weapons as STN 5 & 7, minus JDAM/WCMD. TER authorised on STN 6 for BDU-33 only.
Added ALQ-131 – available on both 1 & 11.
Added ALQ-184 - Stations 1 and 11.

Adjuted valid stores for F-5E:

Added LAU-68 – Stations 3, 4, 5, & 6.

Adjusted valid stores for F-15E:

Added AGM-65G – Station 2 & 18.
GBU-31(V)3/B – Stations 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18 only.
GBU-31(V)1/B - Stations 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18 only.
MK-84 - Stations 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18 only.
GBU-10 - Stations 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18 only.
GBU-27 - Stations 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18 only.
Removed AIM-120 from stations 7, 9, 11, 13 (can only be carried on MELs where CFTs are removed).
Removed AIM-7 from stations 7, 9, 11, 13 (can only be carried on MELs where CFTs are removed).

Adjusted valid stores for F-16A (USAF) – Assumed Block 15OCU:

Added AGM-65H –Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (max of 2 per LAU-8, Station 4 & 7 LAU-117.
Added AGM-65D - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (max of 2 per LAU-8, Station 4 & 7 LAU-117.
Added AIM-7 – Station 3 & 8.
Added Mk-82AIR – Station 3, 4, 7, and 8 as singles and on TERs.
Added ALQ-184 - Stations 6.
AGM-119B – Station 3, 4, 7 & 8.
Removed AGM-88 – Not carried by the A model.
Removed AIM-120C - Not carried by the A model.
Removed AGM-154C - Not carried by the A model.
Removed GBU-12 - Not carried by the A model.
Removed GBU-10 - Not carried by the A model.
Removed LANTIRN - Not carried by the A model.
Removed AGM-65E - Not carried by the A model.
Removed AGM-65K - Not carried by the A model.

Adjusted valid stores for F-16A-MLU:

Added AGM-65H –Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (max of 2 per LAU-8, Station 4 & 7 LAU-117.
Added AGM-65D - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (max of 2 per LAU-8, Station 4 & 7 LAU-117.
Added AGM-65G - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117, Station 4 & 7 on LAU-117.
Added AGM-65K - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117, Station 4 & 7 on LAU-117.
Added Mk-82AIR – Station 3, 4, 7, and 8 as singles and on TERs.
Added GBU-38 - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added GBU-31(V)1/B - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added GBU-12 – TER (2 only) on stations 3 & 8.
Added LITENING II – Station 5R.
Added AGM-119B – Station 3, 4, 7 & 8.
Added AGM-154C - Station 3 & 8.
Removed LANTIRN – MLUs upgraded for SNIPER/LITENING.
Removed MK-20 Rockeye.
Removed AGM-65E.
Removed AIM-9P.

Adjusted valid stores for F-16C Block 52:

Added AGM-65H –Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (max of 2 per LAU-8, Station 4 & 7 LAU-117.
Added AGM-65D - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117 and LAU-88 (max of 2 per LAU-8, Station 4 & 7 LAU-117.
Added AGM-65G - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117, Station 4 & 7 on LAU-117.
Added AGM-65K - Station 3 & 8 on LAU-117, Station 4 & 7 on LAU-117.
Added Mk-82AIR – Station 3, 4, 7, and 8 as singles and on TERs.
Added GBU-38 - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added GBU-31(V)1/B - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added GBU-31(V)3/B - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added CBU-103 WCMD - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added CBU-105 WCMD - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added GBU-12 – TER (2 only) on stations 3 & 8.
Added GBU-27 - Station 3, 4, 7, and 8.
Added LITENING II – Station 5R.
Added ALQ-184 - Stations 6.
AGM-154C - Station 3 & 8 only.
AGM-88 - Station 3 & 8 only.
Added 600 US GAL drop tank. Station 4 & 7 (cleared for ferry flights only)
Removed LANTIRN – No longer in service, replaced by SNIPER/LITENING for current block aircraft.
Removed MK-20 Rockeye – No longer in service – replaced by CBU-87/97 on current blocks.
Removed AGM-65E.
Removed AGM-65K – LAU-88 option for station 3 & 8.

Adjusted valid stores for F/A-18C:

Added AGM-65G – LAU-117 on Station 2 & 8 (as stand-in for AGM-65F).
Added GBU-38 - Station 2, 3, 7, and 8.
Added GBU-31(V)1/B - Station 2, 3, 7, and 8. (as stand-in for GBU-31(V)2/B)
Added GBU-31(V)3/B - Station 2, 3, 7, and 8. (as stand-in for GBU-31(V)4/B)
Added MK-82 – Single on Station 2, 3, 7, and 8.
Added MK-82 – TERs on Station 2, 3, 7, and 8.
Added Mk-82AIR – Single on Station 2, 3, 7, and 8.
Added MK-82AIR – TERs on Station 2, 3, 7, and 8.
Added MK-82AIR – VERs on Station 2, 3, 7, and 8.
Added LAU-68 – Station 2, 3, 7, & 8.
Added LITENING II – On station 5 (used by USMC).
AGM-65D – Not used by USN/USMC.
AGM-65K – Not used by USN/USMC.

Adjusted valid stores for Tornado GR4:

Added GBU-27 – Station 9 & 4 (as stand-in for Enhanced Paveway III).
Added GBU-12 – 5, 6, 7, & 8 (as stand-in for Paveway IV).
Added LITENING – Station 5.
Removed BL-755 – No longer in service, not carried by GR4 (GR1 only).
ALARM – Remove from station 2 & 11 – not carried on these stations, ALARM launchers which mirror the SRAAM launchers on the wing root stations are not modeled.

Adjusted valid store options for the B-1B:

Added: Mk-84, CBU-87, CBU-97, GBU-31, GBU-31(V)3/B, GBU-38.

DCS: Black Shark 2

Reworked the 4th mission of Deployment campaign. Changed insurgents force, some vehicles, AFAC task, added some explosions, etc.
Corrected 8th mission of Deployment campaign. Closest airdromes assigned to red coalition.

Flaming Cliffs 3

Corrected EOS scan volume, removed gyro-stabilization, and added EOS manual elevation scan control for the Su-27 and Su-33. The EOS on the MiG-29 that does not include an elevation adjustment function. EOS detection ranges are being tuned.
For Russian aircraft TWS, a 3 seconds delay has been added before autolock to allow the pilot time to move the TDC off the target before autolock occurs. In such a case, the autolock feature is disabled until mode reset or break lock function (backspace) is activated.
F-15C Track While Scan (TWS) mode will now center elevation scan on the PDT.
Several A-10A switches have had their position set to on: PAC Switch, Inverter Switch, AC Gen Switches, Radar Altimeter Switch, Anti Skid Switch, Fuel Boost Pump Switch, and Engine Fuel Flow Switches.
A-10A. Maverick lock ranges have been corrected (including SA-9/Strela).
A-10A. CBU CCIP and CCRP impact point corrected.

DCS: A-10C Warthog

Added 2 new, fictions Canadian skins: RCAF 409 Squadron and RCAF 442 Snow Scheme.
Aircraft can once again receive a complete aerial refueling transfer.
TACAN dial controls have been corrected.
Command bars now working correctly during an ILS approach.
The liquid oxygen regulator is no longer dependent on electrical power.
The ADI pointers have been corrected as well as the pitch steering bar stow function.
Added mouse-clickable mirrors that allow them to be stowed or un-stowed.
Corrected data when entering altitudes in the CDU and altitude alerts; the numbers changed when entered in the system.

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight

Added Mi-8 Spring Tension campaign EN and RU. Beta
Adjusted main rotor droop (underspeed) dynamics in the flight model
Implemented tailboom strike modeling
Installation of IR suppression devices will now reduce the helicopter’s IR signature and performance characteristics (slightly lower engine power output)
Implemented RI-65 voice warning system failure reporting (WIP)
RI-65 and autopilot stabilization channels will now be on by default when starting “hot”
Implemented ESBR (electrical bomb release control panel) functionality with all associated weapon systems modeling
Corrected the number of preset channels for the R-863 radio
Circuit breaker “bump plates” are now clickable and animated
UV-26 countermeasures dispenser will now indicate selection of port/starboard/both release modes
Added visual canopy damage effects in the cockpit
Numerous updates and corrections to elements of cockpit geometry, textures, and lighting
New custom sounds for numerous cockpit switches/controls, pilot blisters, cabin door, and engine start audio
Restored wheel brake volume level in the cockpit
Updated Autostart and Autostop scripts
Implemented airframe configuration panel in the Mi-8MTV2 Helicopter Group menu of the ME to control setting of engine IR suppression devices, weapon hardpoints, addon armor plates, and engine lifespan condition (WIP)
Added numerous new skins
Added command to toggle mirrors ([M])*
Expanded list of assignable joystick commands*

DCS: P-51D Mustang

Added Israeli skin by Mario “Markindel”.
Added oil system leakage with subsequent damage effects for the engine as it runs out of oil. No visual effect yet, so watch oil pressure.

DCS: Combined Arms

Correct reload-time for Bushmaster cannon and 7.62 ammo load for Challenger 2 .
Correct weapon impact sound and other minor changes.
Add sound smoke grenades.
Corrected sound for F1 view.
Added sound for change in engine RPM.
Emulation loader and automatic loader for tanks and SPG.
Correct reload time for tanks and SPG.

DCS: UH-1H Huey

Corrected missions for UN Pilot campaign
Added M134 minigun as door gun option
Added new M134 and M60 payload icons in the ME payload editor menu
Implemented AI fire control logic for left pilot, left and right door gunners
Added hint indicator for status and ROE setting of AI gunners
Implemented countermeasures (flare dispenser) system
Implemented correct throttle model including ignition, STOP, IDLE, and IDLE RELEASE functionality
Implemented “hot start” dynamics as a result of throttle mismanagement during engine start (WIP)
Corrected main rotor mast assembly tilt angle
Corrected collective control animation of the main rotor assembly (WIP)
Visual cyclic and collective pitch angles of the rotor blades now derived from FM data rather than raw control settings
Fixed flight model bug causing erroneous “warping” in translational lift
Cockpit doors can now be opened/closed with mouse click over the door handles
Added seatbelts to pilot 3D models
Added new door gunner human 3D models
Added recoil visual effect when firing M60 and M134 door guns
Implemented airframe configuration panel in the UH-1H Helicopter Group menu of the ME to control setting of external hardpoints, IR suppression kit, engine lifespan (WIP)
Fixed and updated Elbrus Rescue mission
Changed the logic of door gunner commands so that the “3” and “4” keys affect left and right door gunners, respectively*
Reduced recoil when firing unguided rockets
DCS winter sale now on

Friday, 20 December 2013

From December 20 to January 5 2014, Eagle Dynamics will have a 60% off Winter sale for the following DCS products:

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight, Pre-Purchase Beta. $49.99 now $19.99
DCS: UH-1H Huey, Pre-Purchase Beta. $49.99 now $19.99
Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3. $49.99 now $19.99
DCS: A-10C Warthog. $39.99 now $15.99
DCS: Black Shark 2. $39.99 now $15.99
DCS: P-51D Mustang. $39.99 now $15.99
DCS: Combined Arms. $29.99 now $11.99
DCS: Black Shark 2 Upgrade. $29.99 now $11.99
A-10A: DCS Flaming Cliffs. $14.99 now $5.99
Su-25: DCS Flaming Cliffs. $14.99 now $5.99

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