*** Official DCS World Thread ***

Might be worth a look... First attempt a proper dynamic campaign....



It is the year 1980 and war has broken out between East and West. You are a pilot of the 982nd Fighter Regiment at Vaziani air base, USSR. Fly the MiG-21Bis in its point defence interceptor role to guard the city of Tbilisi against a two week long NATO air offensive out of Turkey. Meet large strike packages of contemporary adversaries such as the F-4 Phantom II and the F-5 Freedom Fighter and take on the next generation of US fighters in form of the F-16 Fighting Falcon and the F-15 Eagle. Get through to well escorted formations of B-52, perform ground controlled intercepts of bombers in instrument flight at night and get the MiG to Mach 2 to down high and fast intruders. Defend your installations on the ground and wear down the combat strength of the enemy, while keeping a close eye on your own numbers. Your performance matters.

- Single player or cooperative dynamic campaign
- Open number of missions with variable time of day and weather
- Automatically generated missions depending on previous results
- Persistent losses of ground installations, air defences and aircraft across the campaign, including damage, repair, replacement and reinforcement
- Detailed briefings and debriefings
- Authentic scenario featuring combat units that actually operated in the theatre or could have been deployed there, including actual real-life positions of SAM sites


Due to technical limitations of the DCS framework, the following instructions should be followed:

- In order to allowing carrying over information from one mission to the next, it is absolutely necessary to modify the file 'MissionScripting.lua' in the folder 'DCS World\Scripts'. Add two minus signs in front of line 17 'sanitizeModule('io')' and line 18 'sanitizeModule('lfs')'. Your file should then look like this:

--Initialization script for the Mission lua Environment (SSE)


--Sanitize Mission Scripting environment
--This makes unavailable some unsecure functions. 
--Mission downloaded from server to client may contain potentialy harmful lua code that may use these functions.
--You can remove the code below and make availble these functions at your own risk.

local function sanitizeModule(name)
	_G[name] = nil
	package.loaded[name] = nil

	require = nil
	loadlib = nil

Warning: This will allow potentially harmful lua code that may be included in missions downloaded from the internet. Modification at your own risk. If you do not wish do make this modification, you can still play this campaign as a client in multiplayer games hosted by someone else. The modification probably has to be repeated after each time a DCS World update is applied.

- The campaign is included in one single mission file. The first time a mission is completed, a file called 'MDC_campaign_results.lua' is created in your 'DCS World' folder. On subsequent launching of the mission file, the campaign loads the 'MDC_campaign_results.lua' and progresses from there on. Upon ending of a running mission, the 'MDC_campaign_results.lua' file is updated. To start a new campaign, delete 'MDC_campaign_results.lua'. To save a campaign state, make a backup of 'MDC_campaign_results.lua'. To load a campaign state, move your backup 'MDC_campaign_results.lua' into your 'DCS World' folder (overwrite the existing file if applicable).

- The content of the present mission is generated after you enter the cockpit and the game is unpaused. If you are playing coop multiplayer, all human participants should be ready in their cockpits before the game is unpaused for the first time. At this point the campaign will count the participating clients and will provide a number of friendly AI aircraft that compliments the number of human players.

- Two seconds after unpausing the first time, the briefing for the present mission will appear. It is suggested that you pause the game again in order to read it without time pressure. In order to hide the briefing, unpause the mission, and press RADIOBUTTON>F10>F2. If you do not see the F10 entry in your radiomenu, you might be in a ATC radio-submenu. Return to the radiomenu root folder by pressing F11.

- Before quitting the mission, press RADIOBUTTON>F10>F1>F1 to end the mission. This will immediately remove all active units, calculate the mission results, display the mission debriefing and update the 'MDC_campaign_results.lua' file. Without performing this step, all progress of the present mission will be lost when quitting the mission. Due to the necessity to access the radiomenu to perform this step, the player must be alive and in his cockpit to end a mission. Therefore campaign progress is not possible when the player dies or ejects when the campaign is played in singleplayer mode. In multiplayer mode, any dead or ejected player can simple re-spawn in a new aircraft in order to access the radiomenu to end the mission. If you wish to still continue the campaign after death when playing alone, it is suggested to open a multiplayer game and host your own server instead (even if you are the only participant).

- When viewing the debriefing of the present mission, note the time and weather of the next mission at the bottom. Since this properties cannot be adjusted in missions automatically, they require manual modification by the player. Open the campaign mission file in the DCS Mission Editor and adjust the time of day and the weather as instructed by the last debriefing. It is suggested that you perform this modifications in a copy of the original mission file for your presently running campaign, though there is no technical reason that makes this mandatory.

Special thanks to miRage for providing the splash screen graphic and my friends at the 76. IAP for helping with testing.

As a predicted we didn't get E.D.G.E. Extremly Delayed Graphics Engine this year :-(

DCS World - 2014 Summary

2014 was a busy and productive year for Eagle Dynamics with the continued development and improvement of DCS World. A key element of DCS World has been the creation of an air combat simulation experience that spans several decades... from World War II to the modern day. Although we started with modern day aircraft, 2014 has allowed us to expand into the World War II, Korean War, and Vietnam War periods. Most noteworthy has been the rapid development of the DCS: World War II line of aircraft that now includes the P-51D Mustang, Fw 190 D-9 Dora and the Bf 109 K-4. Work is already underway on the Spitfire IX and P-47D for 2015. Additionally, we’ve been able to use 2014 to further improve our line of Flaming Cliffs 3 aircraft with the addition of a 6 DOF cockpit and professional flight models for the Su-27.

While Eagle Dynamics has certainly been busy, our 3rd party partners have been equally so! With the release of a Professional Flight Model for the F-15C and the F-86F by Belsimtek (MiG-15bis in development), the MiG-21bis by Leatherneck Simulations, the Hawk by VEAO Simulations, and the C-101 by AvioDev nearing completion, we’ve taken great steps in 2014 to expand DCS development to our partners.

Behind the scenes, we have been very busy in 2014 developing DCS World 2 with an all new graphics engine and support for new maps such as the Nevada Test and Training Range (now in Pre-Alpha testing), Strait of Hormuz, and Normandy 1944. We realize that having appropriate theater maps is a critical aspect of moving the series forward. This development work in 2014 will allow us to release DCS World 2 and new maps in 2015 and bring the DCS World to the next level.

As a little New Year’s gift, here is a compilation of video segments I recorded while doing NTTR testing. This video is by no means polished and is already rather dated by several weeks. The map art is complete, but several items involving the AI and effects still need to still be resolved. However, I thought you might like to see a rather more detailed look of where we are going in 2015.

Flash sale


Christmas Flash Sale!
Sunday, 04 January 2015
Alert! Alert! Alert! Flash Sale is inbound! Take advantage of savings of 80% on most DCS products from January 4th 15:00 UTC to January 5th 09:00 UTC.


• DCS: F-86F Sabre: $49.99 to $9.99 (80% off)
• DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora: $49.99 to $9.99 (80% off)
• DCS: UH-1H Huey: $49.99 to $9.99 (80% off)
• DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight: 49.99 to $9.99 (80% off)
• DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3: $39.99 to $7.99 (80% off)
• DCS: A-10C Warthog: $39.99 to $7.99 (80% off)
• DCS: Black Shark 2: $39.99 to $7.99 (80% off)
• DCS: P-51D Mustang: $29.99 to $5.99 (80% off)
• DCS: Combined Arms: $19.99 to $3.99 (80% off)
• F-15C for DCS World: $9.99 to $1.99 (80% off)
• A-10A for DCS World: $9.99 to $1.99 (80% off)
• Su-25 for DCS World: $9.99 to $1.99 (80% off)
• Su-27 for DCS World: $9.99 to $1.99 (80% off)
• DCS: MiG-21Bis: $49.99 to $22.50 (65% off)
• DCS: Bf 109 K-4: $49.99 to $23.99 (40% off)
New patch

DCS World changelog:

- Some missing localization files added
- Protected campaigns support added
New patch available .... and Beta plane released DCS C-101

DCS Update 3 - Change Log

DCS C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev release
Su-27. Corrected AOA sensor logic on the ground
Su-27. Added Russian manual
Fw 190 D-9. Update German campaign and training
Fw 190 D-9. Improvements to the German and English manual
P-51D. Update English manual
Fixed sound crash during MP session
Fixed crash with helicopter group selection in the ME.
An exaggerated smoke from the chimneys is fixed
FC3 and Su-27 manuals corrections
Added missed Spanish chevrons in Logbook

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Here's a decent quick review of the C-101

Also a new website that's worth checking out Run by BeachAv8r who writes for PCPilot. Just opened and has a DCS Q&A with DCS's producer and a pretty spiffy low level F-15 Video of the Nevada terrain.


DCS sale on

Warm up these cold February nights with a new DCS module! Starting at 15:00 on Friday the 13th, and lasting for three days, we are offering a huge 70% off sale on most DCS products from our e-shop at::

DCS: F-86F Sabre: $49.99 to $14.99 (70% off)
DCS: Fw 190 D-9 Dora: $49.99 to $14.99 (70% off)
DCS: Bf 109 K-4: $49.99 to $14.99 (70% off)
DCS: UH-1H Huey: $49.99 to $14.99 (70% off)
DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight: 49.99 to $14.99 (70% off)
DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3: $39.99 to $11.99 (70% off)
DCS: A-10C Warthog: $39.99 to $11.99 (70% off)
DCS: Black Shark 2: $39.99 to $11.99 (70% off)
DCS: P-51D Mustang: $29.99 to $8.99 (70% off)
DCS: Combined Arms: $19.99 to $5.99 (70% off)
F-15C for DCS World: $9.99 to $2.99 (70% off)
A-10A for DCS World: $9.99 to $2.99 (70% off)
Su-25 for DCS World: $9.99 to $2.99 (70% off)
Su-27 for DCS World: $9.99 to $2.99 (70% off)
DCS: MiG-21Bis: $49.99 to $37.49 (25% off)

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How is the F-86F Sabre in it's current state? I've been flying civvie flight sims for years but I'm a complete DCS noob despite wanting to get into it for a long time so I want to take advantage of these sales. A-10C seems popular one so I assume that's a must have? Mostly want to get into air to ground missions (after many hours of reading and learning of course!) Clickable cockpits are a must for me, I don't really want to have to memorise a hundred keystrokes on top of the systems.
I also have a DCS noob question please. Assuming I don't really care about online play... should I get A-10C, or DCS World and the A-10A add-on for it? How are they different, actually? Bit confused, I know they used to be standalones, right?
I also have a DCS noob question please. Assuming I don't really care about online play... should I get A-10C, or DCS World and the A-10A add-on for it? How are they different, actually? Bit confused, I know they used to be standalones, right?

A-10C is the older less capable version of the plane, but more importantly, although its flight physics are fully modelled (just like the A-10C's), it has simplified controls, targeting systems and avionics. A-10C is full fat, fully featured airplane sim in every way, used for training of real US pilots.

Go for A10A if you like a more casual experience, go for A-10C for ultimate realism with every button clickable, every system functioning etc.
Sabre is ok in current state , fun to fly , still in Beta like 50% of the modules

DCS world is the engine , it is free and comes with 2 planes su-25T (freaking awesome) , and p-51TF ( no guns is utter poop)

All other planes are kinda DLC for it

Get the A-10C , don't even think about buying A-10A

flaming cliffs is good value , it has , A-10A - Mig-29 - Su-27 - su-33 - F-15 - su-25 and is super cheap

Don't buy any WW2 stuff , it is too out of place and is not worth any money
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Yeah cheers guys got the A-10C, I know what I'll be doing this weekend..

Did get the Sabre too for further down the line, 'cos it's so cheap and looks beautiful!
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