What is gameplay? Can you make a definition that counts for all games? Where copying that gameplay would automatically make a good game?
Gameplay elements roughly summed up: Genre, controls, pacing, innovation, intuition (as in, knowing what the player will instinctively do in a certain situation in order to aid player navigation/success), storyline, character development. I'm sure i've missed loads. Any combination of those achieved to a high standard will generally result in good gameplay.
Your argument can be turned on it's head if you look at graphics, what makes good graphics?
Graphics elements roughly summed up: Modelling, lighting, animations, textures, artistic design, direction. Any combination of these done well will make for good graphics. Look at games like Braid that have excellent art design, it's all 2D, relatively low quality sprites, but it looks beautiful in its own way. Also there's a Xbox 360 exclusive game called Limbo which is purely in black and white, the textures are non existant (literally black and shades of grey) but the animation is sublime and the direction is fantastic, making it a beautiful game.
Then there's games like Ico, terrible textures, incredibly low res, but wonderful art direction, lighting and animations, making it a beautiful game.
Neither graphics or gameplay are simple things, neither can be defined or, particularly, judged with any certainty from single screenshots (I will admit you can get a better idea of graphics from a screenshot than you can gameplay though
). I've kinda lost track of my point, but i guess what i'm trying to say is, who can really tell anything at this early stage? It could be an early build, or it could be that the character is about to enter an intricately designed steam-punk city with detail the gamer could only dream of, or the dialogue could be so utterly gripping at that point that he won't care about the many shades of brown on the screen.
It's something i've noticed in these forums, people are so quick to judge be it for good (The Witcher, can anyone really tell if it's going to be any good already!?) or the bad (Deus Ex 3 in this case)!