It's definately a funny game.
Some of it unintentional, I've found it impossible not to laugh at some of the dumb stuff the AI has done so far. On the other hand the easter eggs are great, touches like some of the screens I've seen so far do make it easier to like the game.
There's other things that are funny but I'm not quite sure if that's intended. For example it's hard not to laugh at the comments made by the bad guys as they're searching for you when half a second later you pop out and put one in the skull. I say I'm not quite sure because Splinter Cell Conviction (also a Ubisoft game) did the exact same thing. If I were the developers I'd claim the humour was intended there, because it certainly doesn't work on any other level
I did the exact same thing (well lethal takedown in my case).
It's the games fault, in very few other games would the thought process move so quickly from I wonder if I can get my money back, to I'm going to kill this guy and get my money back