Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

Venice will run (NOT San Diego) without a BIOS flash, but it will have messed up volts and no CPU ID.
It will allow you to winflash though.
A little update:

I now currently have 4x 256 Sticks of Corsair PC3500 BH5 ram.
All will do 270+ @ 3.6v memtest error free in any DC config.

This is all gearing towards a Venice setup as you can probably guess.

So I did wounder if I could run with all 4 now.

The results so far have amazed me, but nothing is possible (not even 200) at 1T

The Corsair are not exactly single sided - they have 2 chips each side of the Ram.

The exact spec:

BIOS 310
Corsair C2PT 3500 256Mb x 4 (BH5)
Simon1987 said:
What cpu cooler do you recommend for this board? No overclocking planned.

About £20 for a decent cooler.

Cooling a 3200 if it matters/

If your not overclocking, then use the STD cooler that comes with the 3200 and also switch cool n quiet on as it helps :)
Very true Pre,

I am also now currently at 270mhz with 180 setting (CPU/10) @ 3.5v

Be nice when CPUz can read the settings properly.

I am amazed , mem controller on my Winie must be better then I had thought. :)

So you can see 2T for the 4x 256 Dimms knocks about 600-700MB/s off my bandwidth.
But windows seems to like it better then 2x512 too.
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welshtom said:
Hey guys, anyone running a vapochill se/pe/xe on this mb and using the 4v jumper. I just tried to set mine (got a pair of bh5 sticks) and it wouldnt start up. all the lights were lit up on the chillcontrol so no error codes to work from. Jus the fan didnt start i dont think and it just shuts back down after about 5 seconds? Any ideas ?

SOunds like a PSU problem,

I mentioned this in the first post.
Baldick said:
without reading through this whole thread, is it generally agree this is a good mobo to have?about to buy one, just want some comments.

Well 2 memory manufacturers have released ram specific for this board- so that must say something :)
Concorde Rules said:
You can up them to the max, im at 1.7/1.4V and im only 40C load chipset :)


very true, heat would be the enemy normaly but if you can keep around 40c then al lseems OK.

I dont have to use over + 0.1v to hit some crazy HTT speeds anyway, so IMHO its more likely to be a limitation of CPU/Mem etc not the NF4 chipset.
Anyone here got a 3700 SD in yet ?
Pls let us know the BIOS versions that work if you can- ill report back as soon as mine arives
Scoobie Dave said:
Well I plan to overclock the nuts of my 3700 SD :D

I like best bang for buck personally ;)

I could have FX57 performace (or more hopefully) for £240 :cool:

me too :)

I was'nt even tempted by the 4000, but if my SD sucks then I might change.

Anyone seen a SD core with the IHS removed ???, I plan on doing mine and just wanted to make sure its still possible, want to avoid any horror of IHS from P4 m0 steppings. Can't see AMD changing myself - but better to be safe etc...

Also does anyone's tracking number for OCUK actualy work ??????????
OK I opted for 414-1 BIOS.

Just got some 4400 TCCD too, so still playing with that, but 10x 270 @ 1.4v is solid on for this 3700 SD so far.

I have not removed IHS as yet- but i do intend too.
Scoobie Dave said:
This might sound a little obvious, but I like to know that im thinking straight. :rolleyes: Can different bios's determine how good of an overclock you get with your cpu?
Im currently using a 4.14-1 beta. It says 'Added support for Venice and San Diego Cool n Quiet (TCCD)' so I thought I would give it a go. . .

yes they can and they can totaly play havoc with your memory.

I have gone for 414-1, but 414-3 might be another option.
Scoobie Dave said:
So does a bios only effect how well your memory overclocks?

A BIOS can affect everything, not just mem or CPU overclocks m8.

A good BIOS is sometimes a trade off - slightly less bandwidth at same mhz but gains in how high it will go make up for it.
YooEntSinMeROYT said:
Just got the SLI-DR mobo with AA0 revision code, along with a 3700 SD.
Am I gonna have any issues with getting this to boot to BIOS to be able to flash the BIOS to latest ie. no post?

I've got a Newcastle knocking about that I can stick in to get it to boot if it won't play ball with the SD.

you should be able to boot with AA0 revision .
Dave flash with 414-3 BIOS, i found it a little more stable then 414-1

Then try.
VDDR - 2.75
twcl =1
Tref =3072

bank inter = enable

skewk = increase
drive 7
strength 1
max asynch 8ns
read 5ns
idle cycle 256
dynamci enable
bypass 16xmax 7x
32bit gran disable

Thats slac but max stability

MemTest 5-10loops of Test 5 then same for test 8

test 5 & 8 are the important 2
The point I mentioned with quick loops is so Dave did'nt have to there for hours to do a full check of stability.

If he is having major problems , the few loops with test 5 and * will show up any Major errors quickly , not a Full over nighter - but thats not where I'm aiming ATM.

We are trying to get a starting point for a little stability.
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