Crash&Burn said:How about 2T ?
Simon1987 said:What cpu cooler do you recommend for this board? No overclocking planned.
About £20 for a decent cooler.
Cooling a 3200 if it matters/
welshtom said:Hey guys, anyone running a vapochill se/pe/xe on this mb and using the 4v jumper. I just tried to set mine (got a pair of bh5 sticks) and it wouldnt start up. all the lights were lit up on the chillcontrol so no error codes to work from. Jus the fan didnt start i dont think and it just shuts back down after about 5 seconds? Any ideas ?
Baldick said:without reading through this whole thread, is it generally agree this is a good mobo to have?about to buy one, just want some comments.
Concorde Rules said:You can up them to the max, im at 1.7/1.4V and im only 40C load chipset
Scoobie Dave said:Well I plan to overclock the nuts of my 3700 SD
I like best bang for buck personally
I could have FX57 performace (or more hopefully) for £240
Scoobie Dave said:This might sound a little obvious, but I like to know that im thinking straight. Can different bios's determine how good of an overclock you get with your cpu?
Im currently using a 4.14-1 beta. It says 'Added support for Venice and San Diego Cool n Quiet (TCCD)' so I thought I would give it a go. . .
Scoobie Dave said:So does a bios only effect how well your memory overclocks?
YooEntSinMeROYT said:Just got the SLI-DR mobo with AA0 revision code, along with a 3700 SD.
Am I gonna have any issues with getting this to boot to BIOS to be able to flash the BIOS to latest ie. no post?
I've got a Newcastle knocking about that I can stick in to get it to boot if it won't play ball with the SD.