I have been trying to improve my overclock, but it seems my cpu won't go above around 2.5GHz
252x10 wouldn't complete 3dm2005 (though strangely 2003 and 2001 were fine - its not my graphics because they run very cool at about 40-50c).
I tried changing the memory divider to confirm it wasn't memory (though it passed 10 passes of memtest) but of course no change.
I left it at 250 running looped 3dm2001 with sandra burn-in looped overnight but it had rebooted when i checked this morning.
So i went to 9x multi so i could push the memory further, but memtest produces errors at 265 anyway (2.5-3-3-10, 2.9V - memory is pc4000 balistilix), and 260 wasn't stable in 3dm2005. Theres no point in using a divider and ramping the fsb up even more because everything is locked and there will be no performance gain.
I tried going back to 245 which was stable before, but accidentally set the HT to 5x, and corrupted my windows install

"windows did not start properly" - safe mode, loads some things and reboots, normal reboots, last working hangs.
My windows partition is always reduced as much as possible so i haven't lost anything unless it corrupted my other partition...
Looks like ill be installing windows for the second time this week