Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

brownbottle said:
All five fan slots were working from the start.

CPU Fan working as expected....runs up slowly.
Chipset Fan working as expected...didn't start immediately but then buzzed into life after a min or two.
Fan 2 used initially as the case fan but then moved to Fan 4 and Fan 5 for testing purposes ;)

I don't remember changing anything in the bios

thanks for your help,i have to take a other look see what i can do.

I want to overclock my 3200+ winchester, but there are a few issues I hope you can help me with. What is the safe ammount of voltage to put through the chip? there seems to be two cpu voltage options in bios, one with a voltage figure and one with a percentage. How do these two differ and what should I use for either. I also have 1 gb of gskill la tccd. it runs at 300mhz(600ddr) no problems, but the stock timings are a little slack. Is there a guide to what the options in the dfi bios mean and what i should choose. For example the memory defaults to 2t, but I cant find the option to change it to 1t. Also what programs shoul I use to test stability, I dont have an internet connection in my uni house so I'll have to burn the programs to a disk and bring them back whenever I go home next. So far I have been able to get the processor to boot into windows at 300 x 9 (2700) but it locks up running 3d mark 03. Ive put it down to 300 x 8(2400) and it seems ok, but would like to run it faster and check for stability, again I dont want to mess with the voltage options and fry my new cpu, so a little guidance on appropriate values would be greatly appreciated.
That chipset fan is mighty close to any graphics card.....i put in a 6600GT in mine and the fan was rubbing against some tiny bits on the bottom edge of the card, where the pcb had not been finished .... bit like a casting flash, if you know what i mean. Best to check anyhow.
Also, i have found that my Neo2 overclocks higher and with MUCH greater stability than this particular example of the SLi-DR !!
Maybe need to play some more.
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i have a question for the people runing at 300HTT

when you run at 300HTT and use the 166Mhz divider is the ram at 250Mhz or 245Mhz

with my 2 MSI boards when i run at 300HTT and use that divider my mem is at 245 instead of 250

i want to know if that is the issue with the NF3/NF4 boards in general or just the MSI ones

the memory frequency will change depending upon the Mulitplier used.
Although the DFI has the options of 100,120,133,140,150,166,183& 200 in bios, they will run effectively at this speed with a whole multiplier and FSB (HTT) for CPU set at 200mhz. Going over 200 obviously changes the settings as it works off whole dividers, so might not give eaxactly what you would expect.
AFK_Matrix said:
Now I am sure that i read somewhere that there was a problem with VGA arctic coolers
on DFI boards?

My X800XT card with an arctic cooler does not fit without fouling the chipset cooler. I had to cut one of the screw holders off and sand it down to get the arctic in without causing the chipset sink to be pressed down and not contact the chipset.

What chipset temps are people getting?


The protrusion behind the PCI connector is what hits the chipset fan.

The picture is actually mighty nimrods card he has for sale, I pinched the image from his thread in the MM :)
ricco said:
what SATA drives are you two with the problems running ??

I'm using (or trying to) a Western Digital 160Gb WD1600JD which is plugged into SATA 1 socket. I tried swapping the cable from IDE1 to 2 which my DVD ROM and writer are connected to which made no difference. Plus I tried 2 x 512mb Geil PC3200 value in slots 2&4 and 1 x 512 in slot 2, still the same problem.


How is everyone finding the chipset fan in terms of noise? My system right now is nearly silent - I can only hear the hard drive. The active cooling is putting me off. :(
Its temp regulated and you can set the temp when it goes from low to high. Very noisy on high, but on low I don't notice it, and my system is pretty quiet.
AndyMoody said:
I'm using (or trying to) a Western Digital 160Gb WD1600JD which is plugged into SATA 1 socket. I tried swapping the cable from IDE1 to 2 which my DVD ROM and writer are connected to which made no difference. Plus I tried 2 x 512mb Geil PC3200 value in slots 2&4 and 1 x 512 in slot 2, still the same problem.



Which BIOS Andy? 2.09 Beta solves the "disappearing SATA drive problem" :)

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