Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.


Which m/board are you using?

Do you have a temperature monitoring programme installed?

Personally, I do not run my cpu over 50c under load. Others will say stay below 60c but in my opinion that is too risky.

If you can not increase your fsb further at this point it is likely you will need to increase the chipset voltage to stabilise the overclock. You may also need to increase the cpu voltage to 1.5 volts.



With the 10/7 divider you should be able to get to 290 fsb which will have your cpu running at 2610mhz and your memory at 203mhz.

If your ram will run at 225mhz increase the cpu multi to x10 and set your fsb to 270. You will not need to raise chipset voltage at these settings, but you may need to nudge up the cpu voltage - it all depends on your particular cpu.
Good luck!
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Thanks IzaLearnin. I typo'ed on my settings, they are actually as below:

Genie bios settings to try:-
fsb - 240
ldt ratio - x3.0
ldt width - 16 16
cpu/fsb - x10
pci exp - 100mhz
cool n quiet - disable
cpu startup - 1.425v
cpu vid control - 1.425
cpu special control - auto
ldt voltage - 1.3v
chipset voltage - 1.5v
dram voltage - 2.8v

dram config:-
dram freq set (divider's) - 140=ram/fsb:07/10
cpc - enable
everything else on auto


you would be better off with a 166 divider at 240 fsb allowing your ram to run at its rated speed, but i guess you dont want to stop at 240fsb.
try messing about with different dividers, I've noticed a lot of people find opterons are fussy about the divider used.

just out of interest did you run it as high as 270fsb?? that would kind of rule out mb stability.

this maybe of help to you.....

a64 mem divider calculator
Hesky82 said:
you would be better off with a 166 divider at 240 fsb allowing your ram to run at its rated speed, but i guess you dont want to stop at 240fsb.
try messing about with different dividers, I've noticed a lot of people find opterons are fussy about the divider used.

just out of interest did you run it as high as 270fsb?? that would kind of rule out mb stability.

this maybe of help to you.....

a64 mem divider calculator

6/5 divider =166 ;)
IzaLearnin said:
For 2 x 512mb sticks in orange slots. It may take a couple of boot cycles to get into windows when you try at first.

Genie bios settings to try:-
fsb - 270
ldt ratio - x3.0
ldt width - 16 16
cpu/fsb - x9
pci exp - 100mhz
cool n quiet - disable
cpu startup - 1.425v
cpu vid control - 1.425
cpu special control - auto
ldt voltage - 1.3v
chipset voltage - 1.5v
dram voltage - 2.8v

dram config:-
dram freq set (divider's) - 140=ram/fsb:07/10
cpc - enable
put all other settings in this page to auto to try at first, you can tweak later if successful.

Post back with results!

I have not tried to run 3 sticks of ram so i'm not sure of this question other than to say you will lose dual channel and you will have to run at 2t (command per clock) which is slower than 1t. The extra ram may help negate some of this though. I can only suggest running a game with "fraps" enabled with both setups and compare the frames per second achieved.

Just tried the settings and they work a treat thanks a lot....1 thing i do notice though is that at boot up when it comes up with cpu memory info it used to say ram:DDR 400 CL2.5 now it comes up with DDR280 (i think) CL2.5 Does this mean my rams running slower or is this normal.also 1 last thing i forgot to mesntion im running on the stock cooler for now that came with the opteron do you think this is capable of cooling upto 2.4ghz

Thanks ;)
J273 said:
1 thing i do notice though is that at boot up when it comes up with cpu memory info it used to say ram:DDR 400 CL2.5 now it comes up with DDR280 (i think) CL2.5 Does this mean my rams running slower or is this normal.

This is normal. your ram speed when using a divider is calculated:- e.g. (fsb 270mhz, divider 10/7) 270 divided by 10 =27 x 7 =189mhz.

also 1 last thing i forgot to mesntion im running on the stock cooler for now that came with the opteron do you think this is capable of cooling upto 2.4ghz
Thanks ;)

You should download "sp2004" (google it) and run the blend test, this will stress test both your ram and cpu. Whilst it is running keep ITE Smartguardian open on your desktop and monitor temps. So long as your cpu temp stays below 50c and sp2004 runs without errors everything should be ok!
You could then try to increase the fsb by 5mhz increments (testing in between) until sp2004 begins to show errors. (It will stop running automatically when an error is found). A fsb of 280 to 285 should be acheivable with the chipset voltage at 2.6v and cpu voltage at 1.475v to 1.5v. If temps get too high just lower the fsb and volts accordingly.
IzaLearnin said:
6/5 divider =166 ;)

yeah, sorry didnt see your post. I really think its a good idea to try lots of different dividers though. some people find they get a wall at a silly low clock. then change to a different divider and then things completely change!

@Alex R

you may find these ram settings useful..

dqs skew=auto
dqs value=0
dram drive strength=Level 8/Normal 4 (depending on bios)
dram data strength=Level 3
Max Async Lat.=8.0ns
Dram response=normal or fast (doesn't matter at all)
Read Preamble=5.0ns
IdleCycleLimit=16 clocks
Dynamic counter=disabled
R/W Queue Bypass=16x
Bypass max=7x
32-bit granularity=disabled

this got me to near as damn it 240fsb with crucial value ram, not very tight but will get you 1:1 with your cpu.
I now run tccd and its a pain in the but!!! anyone got any good ram settings for this chip??

edit: if you have cpc setting in your bios enable it
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Thanks guys. I had it there at 240 for a while, then COD2 hung at the end of a mission! I see I am going to have to spend a little while longer on this overclocking malarkey!

My mobo is a Ultra-D.

Would better memory make it easier? I was thinking of 2x512 of Geil Ultra X 4400 as sold by OCUK. Also, I have seen discussion about wich colour slots to put the memory in, mine is in the yellow ones, hsould it be in the orange ones?

are you still on the stock bios? my guess is you have the 310 bios which doesnt completly support our opterons. try 510 or newer, 623 or 704 works well. I'd stick with the 623-3 bios as its official.

have you tried the 133 divider??? a guy got stuck at around 2.4ghz also he tried the 133 divider and suddenly he could run 2.8g!
Alex R said:
Thanks guys. I had it there at 240 for a while, then COD2 hung at the end of a mission! I see I am going to have to spend a little while longer on this overclocking malarkey!

My mobo is a Ultra-D.

Would better memory make it easier? I was thinking of 2x512 of Geil Ultra X 4400 as sold by OCUK. Also, I have seen discussion about wich colour slots to put the memory in, mine is in the yellow ones, hsould it be in the orange ones?

Most people advise using the orange slots for best performance.

Faster ram will help in that you can run tighter timings at a higher fsb 1:1 with fsb. In other words at the same frequency as your cpu rather than using a lower divider to run the ram at a slower speed than your cpu.

As with all upgrade decisions you have to decide if the degree of speed increase is worth the extra cost involved!

Personally, I think my next upgrade will be a move to 2gb of ram, i'm just waiting until the kits have been developed further and become better value. (Being a Yorkshireman!) Someone once said that Yorkshiremen were similar to Scotsmen only with their generosity removed! Sounds right to me!
4GB problems

Hi really need some advise,

I have just bought and put together a new machine I have loaded the board with 4GB of ram (due to the work i do)

Motherboard is a DFI LANPARTY UT nF4 SLI-D
The memory is Geil Value 2Gb PC3200 Dual Chan DDR Kit (bought 2)
AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+ 2.0GHz Socket 939

During the boot up process it shows i have just over 3 GB

In windows its put down as 3.25 GB so weres the the full 4GB :confused:
plus it runs a DDR333, by changing the Dram requency set i can make it DDR400 and changing the volts to 2.8 nothing...

I have checked and tested each pair of memory on slots 1 and 3 to see if they were faulty but its show they are 2 GBs

I then tried slots 2 and 4 with each pair and it shows 2 GBs
so it can't be the slots :confused:

Any help would be great
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If you need to address 4GB RAM get Win x64 (if your h/w has drivers for it) - no point on normal Windows XP as it just cant (best Ive seen is 3.5GB)...

Technically a 32bit OS can address that size - just Windows XP was never designed to manage all that RAM efficiently...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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for anyone interested i just fitted a Zalman ZM-NB47J Northbridge Cooler on my board.

temps have came down as has the noise.

in order to do this you have to move your card to the lower slot i didnt find any performance drops doing this.

IzaLearnin said:
Most people advise using the orange slots for best performance.

Faster ram will help in that you can run tighter timings at a higher fsb 1:1 with fsb. In other words at the same frequency as your cpu rather than using a lower divider to run the ram at a slower speed than your cpu.

As with all upgrade decisions you have to decide if the degree of speed increase is worth the extra cost involved!

Personally, I think my next upgrade will be a move to 2gb of ram, i'm just waiting until the kits have been developed further and become better value. (Being a Yorkshireman!) Someone once said that Yorkshiremen were similar to Scotsmen only with their generosity removed! Sounds right to me!

Thanks again for all you advise. Having had a look over on DFI-Street, Angry-Gamer(?) seems to suggest a couple of things.
1. that the colour of the slots doesn't make any difference.
2. that dividers don't make any difference either. You can run your memory on 1:1 or divided, benchmarks show very little difference. Basically, what is important is the mghz of the CPU.
3. again, that 1t - 2t has minimal impact on benchmarks and real life applications. Somthing like 1-3%

He's done some fairly extensive testing to back this up (looks extensive to me anyway).

Anyway, I've now moved to 10x270, memory @ 133 and CPC (1/2T) @ 2T. Did this at lunchtime so I haven't had time to extensively test things, but I ran Aquamark3 and got 84k. Temperatures seem to hover round the 37c mark after running it. I am getting 512x2 of th Geil 4400 Ultra-X TCCD (not sure I need it anymore!) this afternoon so I will try and tinker some more.


bigwhoppa said:
for anyone interested i just fitted a Zalman ZM-NB47J Northbridge Cooler on my board.

temps have came down as has the noise.

in order to do this you have to move your card to the lower slot i didnt find any performance drops doing this.


That's a thermalright xp120 isn't it? My brother gave me one (no instructions) and I was worried I'd put it on upside down. Unless you have I'm OK!

The thing is, when I look at it from the side the main radiator fins don't seem to be aligned above the CPU. But you can't really fit it any other way.

(He asks for re-assurance)

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