Official DFI NF4Ultra-D/SLi owners thread.

so i assume with that added to ** card it wouldnt fit nicely ? possibly due to the fan on the chip? (sorry i really should go read all this :) )
i was thinking of getting a radeon and a zalaman northbridge cooler may have to have a rethink =)
The was a bolt that was fouling on the chipset fan, I cut that off at first and was getting terrible chipset temps due to it blocking the airflow to the chipset. With the arctic cooler modded to push air onto the chipset temps were better :)
Minstadave said:
Pics of the arctic cooler mods, its not pretty but I've sanded it down some more and you can't see it anyway.

Click on them for larger images.

Looks like someone was hungry :)
Unbreakable said:
Sorry just noticed you had the same ram is me so that must be the problem.

My Geil is failing memtest. I'll be returning the Geil Value stuff. What do you recommend as a replacement?

Thanks minstadave bet that was fun lol.

Well now i have my system built i am wondering whether i need the arctic cooler now, as on my sonata the front 120mm fan i have fitted blows directly onto the graphics card. So i assume i that will help with cooling it anyway?
Okey Ive just flashed with the 01/02/2005 BIOS and now I cant get to 240x11 like I used to be able to :confused:

I did it with winflash after clearing CMOS, flashed but only selected in the update options 'bootblock', restarted set optimized defults, shut down cleared CMOS, started and now it wont do anything over 213x11 even with the volatges of 240x11. Im really :confused:

Anyone know weather Ive done something wrong?

Cheers Concorde
this will probably sound stupid but I don't have time to read this whole thread and I'm a complete pc-building noob. I would just like to know:

- In general, is the DFI LanParty UT NF4 Ultra-D (Socket 939) PCI-Express Motherboard (MB-014-DF) good? the best PCI-E 939 board? good if I do not want to over clock?

- Are there any incompatibility issues with this mobo with parts like an A64 3200+ 939, an Ati x800 XL?

- Will that Geil Value 1GB ram work fine with it?

- Does the DFI mobo make a lot of noise? more so than other mobos? any way to change this?

thanks and sorry!
gaaaahhhhh I'm trying to research all the parts at once and I've been doing this for months and my eyes hurt... :(
I read a few times the DFI is good I just can't be in the know all the time and just wanted to know if all the experts have discovered a major flaw since the start of the thread :D
Use SEARCH function for the thread, it will only pull up the points you want.

Their is no major flaw, so far. Only niggly ones, first post is most of the info you want.
Tom_83 said:
just wanted to know if all the experts have discovered a major flaw since the start of the thread :D

like ricco said, there are no major flaws, just niggly little ones like most new mobo's suffer from, given time they'll get ironed out by bios releases. it's certainly one of the better mobo's ive had the pleasure of using straight from the box. ;)
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