****Official Doom 4 Thread****

anyone any advice on the cyberdemon fight ? can some1 post spoilers ? Ive seen youtube videos, but do I need to press a key to finish him off, hes on low health and seems to keep regenerating, which is frustrating
Another CTD. :/ This time it locked up and even task manager wouldn't respond. I wonder if the game doesn't like cpu overclocks?

Trying to do a run through on ultra-violence. I'm finding it tricky to say the least. I found, for the most part, hurt me plenty a little too easy but this feels like a couple of steps up.

Edit: getting used to it now; giving them a bit of a licking.
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Been running it with an overclock without anything too significant CTD wise - had a couple of crashes when returning to completed areas but that is it so far in a couple of dozen hours or so of playing with it.
Are these CTD users using Vulkan?

I seemed to get more CTDs when I used vulkan, though I think that was more likely to be a coincidence over anything else. Who knows? Back using OpenGL now, though I can't say I get that many problems, at least not now anyway. Still puzzling at the best of times, however.
Loving how smooth this game is, even with my 660ti it ran pretty smoothly. The 380X was great, and now the 1070... I just kick everything upto high/ultra.

Fun game, although sometimes I just quit after like the fifth attempt at a hard scenario, come back later and do it in one try.

Chainsaw is OP lol. (Instanta-kill). Anyone noticed that while you are doing a glory kill, or chain-saw, nothing will attack you?
yep I'm sick of the CTD it's pretty annoying, still a great game and love the graphics on it at 4k surprisingly my overclocked 980 Ti handles it pretty well.
Haven't played the game in a while so not sure what the latest patches have fixed or broke, but things I found which helped avoid the crashes:

1) Verify game cache in steam.

2) After you die, wait a little before loading to the last checkpoint.
Have advanced a little further, think I'm somewhere around Level 7 or 8 back on Mars. However have to say, still not really loving it - the graphics are good but the gameplay just seems to consist of reaching the next open area and killing the next load of monsters while struggling for ammo and health. The chainsaw has got to be the worst weapon with one shot of fuel lasting all of about five seconds. Even on easy setting I'm getting Cacodemons, Hell Barons, the phasing screaming banshee things and those fat waddling creatures which are more dangerous than they look. The story hasn't engaged me, just seems padding as you trudge (or rather jump) from one same-alike combat zone to the next. No tactics, no skill, no choice of approach, not a patch on the original games.
Have advanced a little further, think I'm somewhere around Level 7 or 8 back on Mars. However have to say, still not really loving it - the graphics are good but the gameplay just seems to consist of reaching the next open area and killing the next load of monsters while struggling for ammo and health. The chainsaw has got to be the worst weapon with one shot of fuel lasting all of about five seconds. Even on easy setting I'm getting Cacodemons, Hell Barons, the phasing screaming banshee things and those fat waddling creatures which are more dangerous than they look.The story hasn't engaged me, just seems padding as you trudge (or rather jump) from one same-alike combat zone to the next. No tactics, no skill, no choice of approach, not a patch on the original games.

"Even on easy setting I'm getting Cacodemons, Hell Barons, the phasing screaming banshee things and those fat waddling creatures which are more dangerous than they look."

Your problem is playing on easy. The AI are simply dumb and easy to kill. What did you expect? Lol
Play the game the way it's meant to be played on hard setting at least then come back :)
"Even on easy setting I'm getting Cacodemons, Hell Barons, the phasing screaming banshee things and those fat waddling creatures which are more dangerous than they look."

Your problem is playing on easy. The AI are simply dumb and easy to kill. What did you expect? Lol
Play the game the way it's meant to be played on hard setting at least then come back :)
Not all of us are `good`enough to be able to play on hard or above m8
I play at easy/don`t hurt me.Anything else and I just keep dying and get bored and quit

That said I am on easy and loving it so far :)
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