****Official Doom 4 Thread****

The whole Conan clueless gamer / super bowl football players showing new doom footage was lost on me. Why not give the demo to an actual videogame reporter and show some proper footage for the fans without furry hats, red wine and chickens (wtf?!) Must be an american thing.
The limited edition is up on Bethesda's site, comes with an illuminated revenant figure and misc tat for 80 dollars. I was thinking of getting the lithograph but the postage was 26 dollars on top of 40 for the print so decided not to bother.

No UK collections edition. Makes me sad panda.
UK Collectors Edition exclusive to Game on PC, PS4 and XB1. £99
Contents is the same as the US version so you get the Revenant figure etc
Shame the box wasn't black like the iconic id software boxes.

I cannot get over googling the Doom 3 PC game. It is not what I remember. Though, the Hell Knights still seem to hold up well... Lots of detail.
Sorry to keep putting a downer on all the hype, but this just keeps getting worse and worse for me. No doubt the short campaign will be seen as a positive by everyone else in the thread as it'll mean its more action packed or something.
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