****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Looks great fun, looks like mindless slaughter! I wonder if we'll ever get an fps with the level design of the first two Dooms and Quake 1? Everything is so guided now, don't get me wrong I love the cinematic carnage but its usually over within 8 hours.
The limited edition is up on Bethesda's site, comes with an illuminated revenant figure and misc tat for 80 dollars. I was thinking of getting the lithograph but the postage was 26 dollars on top of 40 for the print so decided not to bother.
I wonder after a few weeks later after release if there will be minorities starting petitions or it even making the news on how graphic it is. This would be the kind of game Keith Vaz would be all over for blanket banning noises.
It looks decent; I'll definitely be picking it up at launch.

The only thing that concerns me a bit is the over-use of "cinematic" takedowns. Hopefully it's something they're just gone overboard on for the trailer; it looks like it would get pretty tedious in-game watching the same execution play out for the millionth time.

With any luck there'll be people playing multiplayer for more than a week after release.
The only thing that concerns me a bit is the over-use of "cinematic" takedowns. Hopefully it's something they're just gone overboard on for the trailer; it looks like it would get pretty tedious in-game watching the same execution play out for the millionth time.

It's already tedious for me and it hasn't even released yet. It's pretty much all they have shown so far. It's even present in that Conan video above, so does seem to be a big part of the game :(.

I was kinda looking forward to this but I'm not sure after the latest vids. It does just seem like a dumbed down console finishing move simulator. They have even stuck it in a Halo box. Will wait for the reviews I think.
This really does look good.

Box art sucks, mind.
Jim Sterling's done a quick rant video on how crap the box art is. I won't link, swearies, but you can find it on YT

Basically, boring as ****. Could be Crysis, Halo, COD, whatever.

Still, minor complaint - game looks great
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