****Official Doom 4 Thread****

I was rather hoping they'd take the game in a new direction. (See my previous comment.)

A fast paced corridor shooter is not what this franchise needed. One of Doom 3's biggest criticisms was that despite the impressive visuals, it was an aging concept. (Games like Far Cry and Half-Life 2 took the genre in new directions.)

Still, what's done is done. I for one won't be buying it. I feel I've grown out of linear, corridor shooters. Roll on Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry 4, Homefront: The Revolution etc.
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I was rather hoping they'd take the game in a new direction. (See my previous comment.)

A fast paced corridor shooter is not what this franchise needed. One of Doom 3's biggest criticisms was that despite the impressive visuals, it was an aging concept. (Games like Far Cry and Half-Life 2 took the genre in new directions.)

Still, what's done is done. I for one won't be buying it. I feel I've grown out of linear, corridor shooters. Roll on Cyberpunk 2077, Far Cry 4, Homefront: The Revolution etc.

The whole point of Doom is that it's a fast paced corridor shooter, the last thing in the world that needs to be done is take it in another direction.
IGN said:
Fast-paced combat against multiple enemies at once - Doom 3 this ain't

Thank god, if theres one thing I hated about Doom 3 it was the bad guys coming at you in dribs n drabs, I so missed the frantic back pedalling as you desperately tried to create some fighting room as a horde bared down on you.
The whole point of Doom is that it's a fast paced corridor shooter, the last thing in the world that needs to be done is take it in another direction.

This. Please don't change it!

Hopefully they've improved the spawning from 3. Got pretty tired of enemies constantly appearing behind me. You could just guess what was gonna happen at each new section. Walk in....quickly turn round to engage.
damn it..... they've gone for the easy option, out in the open and mass spawning, it works for Serious Sam but i doubt it will here, but we're not sure yet ! i guess it depends what the maps and levels look like
The whole point of Doom is that it's a fast paced corridor shooter, the last thing in the world that needs to be done is take it in another direction.

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas are suitable examples of a game franchise successfully moving in a different direction. By your reckoning, the games should have remained isometric like their predecessors, even in this day and age?

I see no harm in a non-linear approach. If Id Software had used certain mechanics from Rage and fashioned them into a next-generation Doom title, albeit without the technical flaws, it would have been GOTY material.
For me, there are two ways in which I would like to see a Doom game developed. The first, is for a mainly traditional release but with a greater variety of power-ups / levels and types of armour and so on (a similar answer I often give in relation to a quake remake). The latest graphics this most certainly doesn't need to satisfy my tastes.

The second idea would be to have more of a non-linear approach, but not saturated with over the top cut scenes and hand holding / giant ******* floating arrows telling me where to go / QTE's, etc.

What's been reported does sound good to me, though I have kind of got used to reloading my own weapons by now. Ultimately, I think the first option is more likely to be successful, simply because it's more straight forward to make. I prefer a developer to make something simpler but solid, than to stretch to a more grandiose ideal only for the basics to be ignored. The greater number of variables, the greater the margin of error, potentially. And yes, we see this all the time.
Not that I know much about this sort of thing, but the id tech 6 seems to have been created pretty quickly. And if going by what Carmack said about Doom having three times the graphical richness of RAGE (iirc Doom back then was supposedly going to employ the id tech 5 engine), then with tech 6, it should look pretty amazing.
Does that mean you'll need £800 cards to play it smoothly? As whats the point turning back effects and not seeing a cinematic experience for more fps on lesser cards…
Does that mean you'll need £800 cards to play it smoothly? As whats the point turning back effects and not seeing a cinematic experience for more fps on lesser cards…

I doubt it, if they are going for 1080p on both ps4 and xbone at a constant 60fps, then im confident my 7970 will run it fine, unless of course they are gimping on the console versions

Biggest worry is another rage situation, in that it was so poorly finished that it ran at 1fps on most systems.
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I probably will need to upgrade since I'm still on CrossFire 5870. However, Battlefield 4/3 runs so nice with 64 players. Except Battlefield looks 2007 compared to what Doom4 could be.
I doubt it, if they are going for 1080p on both ps4 and xbone at a constant 60fps, then im confident my 7970 will run it fine, unless of course they are gimping on the console versions

Biggest worry is another rage situation, in that it was so poorly finished that it ran at 1fps on most systems.

I wouldn't worry about the engine as a version of the ID tech engine is used in wolfenstein and that runs flawlessly tbh. Think they've learned their lesson!
So where the hell is this BETA we were promised for pre-ordering Wolfenstein:@ New Order?

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