****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Maybe its like it is because console does not do fast paced FPS. I might record a session on Doom 2 of how Doom 4 should be.

I would have been perfectly happy with Doom 2 in Unreal 4 engine - Huge maps, new horrif traps into rooms filled with enemies and great sound effects and music

I think it's the way it is because, sadly, old school is now viewed as niche and not commercially attractive a la triple AAA.

I'd love to see this done as old school Doom I really would, but the guy from id stood on the stage at E3 said it would be fast paced, then proceeded to show footage containing:

Enemies that barely moved.
Chainsaw QTE.
Slow motion weapon wheel.

WTF has any of that got to with fast paced?..........and then they perked the multiplayer.

This is not the Doom I am looking for.
I think it'll be somewhere in the middle; some of the design choices of Doom 3 along with old school mechanics, too.

When's it out, May?
Not interested in multiplayer, I didn't like quake or ut sort of games but loved doom. Did doom 3 even have mp?
I was hoping for a return to the old arena style FPS and this is just disappointing. Movement isn't to bad but its just to slow. Loadouts!??? how is that meant to work in 1v1's etc? Weapon control was a critical tactic when playing arena 1v1. Looks OK i guess.

I loved the DM scene back in the day, Q3A (DM17 Instagib!!), UT and i played HLDM for many years in a clan and the skill some of the top tier guys had way mind blowing to watch. Funnily enough the top ranked HLDM player played with a joypad and mouse and his movement was absolutely crazy.

I guess with the current crop of FPS isn't about that :-(
I was hoping for a return to the old arena style FPS and this is just disappointing. Movement isn't to bad but its just to slow. Loadouts!??? how is that meant to work in 1v1's etc? Weapon control was a critical tactic when playing arena 1v1. Looks OK i guess.

I loved the DM scene back in the day, Q3A (DM17 Instagib!!), UT and i played HLDM for many years in a clan and the skill some of the top tier guys had way mind blowing to watch. Funnily enough the top ranked HLDM player played with a joypad and mouse and his movement was absolutely crazy.

I guess with the current crop of FPS isn't about that :-(

I was going to post my feelings about the brief go I just had, but you hit the nail on the head with your post.

Maybe we're getting old ;)
I was going to post my feelings about the brief go I just had, but you hit the nail on the head with your post.

Maybe we're getting old ;)

Indeed lol! To be fair, i'm glad i got to experience that period of online gaming, some of the best experiences I've had with gaming. Some of the Lan's I attended were crazy fun!
whats scary is many people rating this.:(

the core essence just isn't there. yet media rating this like its amazing. says so much about gaming.
Not interested in multiplayer, I didn't like quake or ut sort of games but loved doom. Did doom 3 even have mp?

Quake 1 had amazing single player game. I never played Quake multiplayer until years after. I think it was Quakenet or something at the time over 28k modem

I just had a cracking 10 minutes on Doom (1)

Thy Flesh consumed on Ultra-Violence difficulty :D I love the speed of older FPS games and the level design of Doom was so fast, fun and challenging.
Indeed lol! To be fair, i'm glad i got to experience that period of online gaming, some of the best experiences I've had with gaming. Some of the Lan's I attended were crazy fun!

the best for me years ago was FEAR Combat, it's too crowded now with too many cheaters... it's all going wrong with online gaming taking over, just look how they've ruined Vegas Siege Terrorist Hunt....because the old Terrorist Hunt was brilliant fun.

i hope the SP is ok in Doom 4, but i expect we'll get Online screen messages, silly Achievement points etc etc... it totally kills the atmosphere to keep seeing pop up messages.

it's about you on your own, claustrophobia, low health, searching for ammo and loads of enemies, nothing else.

yes......we're getting too old
If people want to play classic arena style fps just download the new Unreal Tournament pre alpha. It's free and is very playable even in early stages.

Fingers crossed dooms singleplayer will be decent.
Well is maybe the biggest Doom fan in here I can truly say the this is not the Doom I or many other fans wanted, more over it just isn't Doom period.
I'll just have to hope for a decent single player campaign.
After playing it more definitely has it's problems from the melee, perks to the revenant which should just not be there. Had a good bit of fun but mainly with friends, otherwise i doubt i would have played it so much.
I don't recall Doom being particularly well-known for its multiplayer. The vast majority of work done by fans and developers alike for Doom 1 through 3 have been focused on singleplayer levels. Nobody asked for a strong multiplayer component for Doom 4.
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