****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Its still a beta. The advanced graphics menu has already been shown and there will be more options.

Whilst i enjoyed the closed and now the open beta im still not gonna pre order the game im gonna wait till its out and reviewed before i buy even if it costs An extra tenner

This is exactly where I am with it.
I'm surprised by the negative comments, I Downloaded today and have been really enjoying it for its frantic arena style of play. sure it could look a bit prettier but it is a beta so im not surprised things haven't been added to it.
Gameplay wise this really takes me back to the good old days of Quake 3 and UT.
But it feels very dated in other ways. Yes GFX must be limited in the beta since it all looks a bit blurry and low res but overall I'm just not that impressed. Even the maps are like something from 10 years ago.
Everything feels/appears chunky and lacking in detail.

I know that's Doom's style but I expected a lot more :(
For me this is a real nostalgia trip, a great fun game for a quick blast but that's about it for me.

If those are anywhere near the final graphics that's almost criminal for 2016 :(
Ultimately I'm not too bothered by the graphics as quake 3, etc. and even today with BF4 and so on I turned everything down to whatever settings give the best mixture of clarity and performance with then anything left over going to increasing visuals. But the blurry low res quality of some stuff is making it quite hard to work out what is what on the fly in some cases in Doom :(

The movement still really irritates me as it just reminds me of how fluid quake 3 felt in comparison and isn't satisfying to play with at all. Between that and the horrid mouse feel I almost feel like I'm playing a console game as its all very squared off, straight lines and having to move back and forth to get on target, etc.

EDIT: The real kicker for me is that while ultimately the game fell flat on its face the recent SW: Battlefront game felt far far more satisfying to play in terms of the basic mechanics - moving, aiming, shooting, etc..
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I really like Doom and this looks interesting so I went to take a look at the Open Beta on Steam... Mostly Negative reviews ? :eek: Why so?
If it's anything like the closed beta you are wasting bandwidth downloading this. I can honestly say this is one of the worst games I have ever played and brings shame to the DOOM name :(
Yeah no. What have they done :(.

I'm not normally one to hate on games but that is truely horrific.

Graphics are worse than 3 mouse movement is all over the place.
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Just noticed this is downloading now, bit annoying that its downloading from scratch when it seems its pretty much the same as the closed beta, you'd think they could have just patched that for those that had it. Might play a few more games I guess.

Nope, no such luck. Pretty disappointed with it overall. Feels like a game from twenty years ago and the nothing more than a shameless cash in on the Doom brand. It's more like Quake than Doom TBH. The movement and jumping physics seem a bit ropey and dont have any weight behind them plus the weapons just don't have any 'punch' when you fire them.

Shame, as I'd really hoped it would be good. What a waste of a great franchise :(
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