****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Doom 2016 SnapMap

JackFrags showing off some of the Map, Level and even game modes you can create in Doom.. Yes we can even speed up the game :D Looks excellent
No love here for the third game. Once I started playing it I came to realise that this game I'd been eagerly waiting for, had pre-ordered, was just a wander-about-in-a gasworks-during-a-powercut simulator with penny packet enemies inserted here and there.

Doom gameplay was never about creeping around in the dark, it was all brute force and constant movement.

It's Arnie ram-raiding the cop shop in Terminator, rather than Tom Cruise retrieving the NOC list.

the trouble is that sounds boring to me just like the MP above.... a good shooter needs much more than that.

the game you describe to me is much more like Serious Sam which is brilliant , or Painkiller, but that is great because the locations vary and it's wide open and perfect for mass spawning..

this new Doom SP will probably be ok with loads of variation............ because it's the MP that looks retarded and all the same, it'll be played by a bunch of 14 year olds using cheats.

unfortunately there's so much of this rubbish MP being shown to us, that it's tending to put me off the SP game, i'd rather have Dishonored 2
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Doom 2 map 10 (Refueling base) on Ultra violence starting the level with a few rockets and a chainsaw. Damn Doom 2 is a hard game!

Hard but still very fun and also very scary - how the Doom games should be. Having to chainsaw your way through arachnotron's to get to ammo. Thinking you have killed everyone only for walls to shoot up and shotgun guys, demons and Cacodemons to surround you!
the trouble is that sounds boring to me like the MP above, you're just running around shooting.... it's far too repetative and has no atmosphere, a good shooter needs much more than that, it requires you to use stealth and plan ahead

A good shooter and stealth and planning aren't mutually inclusive.

There's nothing wrong with the gameplay you describe, just, I don't think it has any place in a Doom game...that would be a FEAR shooter with Doom assets. What shall we call it? FEDO?;)

Single playerwise, I doubt I'll get the game I want, and I don't think you'll get the game you want either. Sadly, I fear this will be some half-arsed "modern take on a classic" that will be neither here nor there and end up pleasing no-one.
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Brutal Doom is where it's at.

And if I want a fast game I'll play UT alpha.

Nah, original Doom 2 with nothing but high res, mouse look and always run enabled is what you want. I use zDoom

Its actually even faster gameplay than UT alpha. I wish ID would make it freeware so people can do what they did with C&C Redalert and make an epic online lobby for games. I don't think fast online fps would get any better
A good shooter and stealth and planning aren't mutually inclusive.

There's nothing wrong with the gameplay you describe, just, I don't think it has any place in a Doom game...that would be a FEAR shooter with Doom assets. What shall we call it? FEDO?;)

Single playerwise, I doubt I'll get the game I want, and I don't think you'll get the game you want either. Sadly, I fear this will be some half-arsed "modern take on a classic" that will be neither here nor there and end up pleasing no-one.

yea FEAR :D great shame that game ended, but it started going wrong after the 1st game..because Monolith failed to realise what made the 1st game so good.

it'll be like a modern DOOM 3 with a different version of Hell......... i dont mind if it's like this because i liked the 3rd game.

it cant be much else simply because it's located on another deserted space station...........because as you know they tried other ideas for DOOM 4 and it failed
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More gameplay (ps4 version)

Seems really odd seeing multiplayer Quake elements in sp gameplay like the Jump-pad. Was never a fan of the design of the hellknight from Doom 3 either, much preferred the one from the geforce tech demo from 2001 that looked more Demon like.

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Same. Looks incredibly easy as well. i remember them revenants being pretty tough on D3. I guess that is inevitable if you are going for loads of enemies in arena style levels.

I'll still hold out for some proper user reviews, but I think this will be one I get when its £5-£10. Looks like it might be fun for a weekend playthrough, but its nothing like what I was hoping for.

I am also aware that every post I make in this thread is being negative about the game but I am a massive Doom(3) fan and have been excited about this since it was very first announced and my dreams are being slowly crushed with every new teaser vid :(.
i tuned in to the live twitch stream last night.seen the guy holding a ps4 joypad. new it was downhill from there on in.

do they not realize what a pc icon DOOM franchize is ?

Better than the raped by a ghost ending in F.E.A.R 2 which freaked out my ex when she played it

we all hated it when Beckett was killed by Fettel in FEAR 3, there was no need for that, they lost loads of fans over that and it spelt the end to be honest.

the best was FEAR.........Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate, i cant play these on Win 8.1 because i cant get the screen image to ``Widescreen`` it has a horrid border all around
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More gameplay (ps4 version)


Seems really odd seeing multiplayer Quake elements in sp gameplay like the Jump-pad. Was never a fan of the design of the hellknight from Doom 3 either, much preferred the one from the geforce tech demo from 2001 that looked more Demon like.


yea it's a modern version of Doom 3 which is ok i suppose, but it will be repetative.

it looks like a really good Fans Mod, a sort of DOOM 3 Uber BFG Edition :D:D as such dont expect too much

they didn't have enough ***** and imagination to try something else and thus played safe and remade Doom 3 ??????????? well that's for others to judge i guess ;)
we all hated it when Beckett was killed by Fettel in FEAR 3, there was no need for that, they lost loads of fans over that and it spelt the end to be honest.

the best was FEAR.........Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate, i cant play these on Win 8.1 because i cant get the screen image to ``Widescreen`` it has a horrid border all around

Never finished FEAR 3 I played a couple hours and though it was A: Itrash B: ruined by constant popup saying "X kill , X headshots" awards and achievements and what not so bloody annoying.

If I wanted to play pop ups Ill install IE 5 on a xp machine and load "adult entertainment" site.
Never finished FEAR 3 I played a couple hours and though it was A: Itrash B: ruined by constant popup saying "X kill , X headshots" awards and achievements and what not so bloody annoying.

If I wanted to play pop ups Ill install IE 5 on a xp machine and load "adult entertainment" site.

they tried to SEX up the game with all this modern stuff and forgot to realise why the original game was so good

1...........great AI
2...........you had fantastic running speed and movement/ melee.
3...........it was a fast and responsive game with great Framerates
4...........simple and easy to play.

it was raw and basic with no onscreen messages.....we have lost all of this, we've gone too far the other way and lost touch with what makes a good shooter.

But Doom 4 SP looks ok to me, the demons are just dieing and that's it, there's no silly messages to spoil the atmosphere, because it's MP that looks rubbish and boring.
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Anyone seen any footage or heard if the demons fight amongst themselves if they accidentally hit each other like the original doom?
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