****Official Doom 4 Thread****

The single-player looks fluid, smooth and vertical with fast-paced gameplay, I don't really understand the criticisms that other parts of the net are giving the footage. There's zero cover shooting, no ADS, you're constantly on the move, it looks like the most dynamic gameplay I've seen in years. It's got the smartest approach to balancing out-and-out gameplay with health regen since Halo's shield regen with the gory kills mechanic.

I have to give enormous credit to the wizards at id for getting it to run at 60fps with those graphics too. That's probably the best looking 60fps console game I've ever seen. When I saw the PS4 button prompts on those gameplay footage my jaw hit the floor.

I'm obviously getting the PC game but it's nice to know that it'll surely run well on my system. Could probably manage 144fps gsynced up with console settings.
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After watching videos of the SP I have mixed feelings.

I get the definite sense of mixed identity and can see various influences. Some things stand out for me though.

Whilst enemies can be identified by those who have played previous games and they are looking great, they do seem more cartoony somehow and less sinister. I am sure I saw a Mancubus jumping around in one vid too! :confused:

I don't like MP jump pads in SP.

I don't like how futuristic the weapons look. I am not sure where in the Doom timeline this game is set, but there was something about most weapons you could collect being conventional "modern day", with just a couple of "advanced" weapons to find.

I am not so sure on the atmosphere either. Seems very Quake 2/4 like to me, and whilst the environments seem well detailed the sinister undertones seem missing. Frankly - it just does not seem scary in a way that D3 was. Perhaps part of this is the music score though.

The shiny stuff dropping out of enemies every time you drop one is also off putting. Kind of makes it feel more like an arcade game, and the survival terror of traditional doom games seems lost somehow.

The vids make it seem more like a Quake / Painkiller hybrid rather than a Doom game.

I'm not sure what to think. I guess I will wait for some user reviews but so far I can't say I am as excited for the game as I was, unfortunately :(
The shiny stuff after you kill an enemy looks a bit naff to me as well.

The graphics look amazing but nearly too cartoony. Where is the fear factor?

Where is the suspense?
I really want this game to be good but it just looks like serious Sam in the dark :( the video above has inspired me to reinstall Doom 3 and finish it though :D are there any good mods to check out?
That didn't look great, it certainly didn't 'feel' like Doom.

Compare it to this:

Not sure how it didn't feel like doom, for one thing there's far more enemies, in doom 3 it was 2 or 3 enemies at most for most of the game which was one of the main critical points about it.
I think it also depends at what stage a player has begun getting their feet wet in a series. I wouldn't say, for example, that I found the first versions of Doom 'that' atmospheric - due to the pc music that most people seem to like.

On the other hand, this version.....I do - perhaps because it was the first version I played:

Actually, it was the Sega Saturn version that I played, but they are both fairly similar.
So Doom 3 comes out and people complain its not hectic enough like the old Doom games.
Now ID make a new Doom game that is much more hectic with lots of enemies more like the old Doom games and people are complaining its not Doom 3
Doom 3 was a really odd game looking back on it, they tried to make it more of a survival horror kind of game instead of a balls to the wall all out fps like the previous games. Something’s they tried to make sense of like having a pda entry as to why a chainsaw would be on Mars.

Other things like the demons hiding in ‘Monster closets' in a military base triggered by you picking up a power up made less sense. May have been a throwback to the previous games but given the direction they took with Doom 3 it felt out of place and cheesy, make sense of a chainsaw but don’t make sense of why the base has hidden compartments with a fresh supply of demons inside?
So Doom 3 comes out and people complain its not hectic enough like the old Doom games.
Now ID make a new Doom game that is much more hectic with lots of enemies more like the old Doom games and people are complaining its not Doom 3

If its hectic like doom 1 & 2 then great. Give me more chaos, like exploding lines of barrels, floors walls and ceilings opening up into rooms of enemies only to beat them all then find a cyberdemon is still to come at the exit

What ever happened to red/green/blue keys in games to. Some things just need(ed) to be kept simple. Doom should be simple, fast paced fun with the perfect level design and atmosphere.
So Doom 3 comes out and people complain its not hectic enough like the old Doom games.
Now ID make a new Doom game that is much more hectic with lots of enemies more like the old Doom games and people are complaining its not Doom 3

This is true but from seeing footage, it just doesn't feel or look like Doom imo. Liked Doom 3 a lot though, could have done with more enemies, but at least it had some strafe jumping in
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