****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Genuinely looks too consoe-ish with all the power ups and things flying out of baddies. i also don't like how the motion works, feels too much like your POVis being transmitted through a helmet camera. Doesn't feel natural like in other shooters.

Initial impressions from watching these gameplay videos as a PC gamer is that this is not the kind of SP game I'd buy at all. Doom 3 was great, but this, this has evolved into something un-Doom like.

It feels too much like Serious Sam with Doom characters.
Will I be disappointed with Doom 4 single player if I am expecting anything like Doom 2 with better graphics? I enjoyed Doom 3 but there was a serious lack of enemies. i.e in Doom 2 you would get attacked sometimes by 50 enemies at once, making it hard but they were easy enough to kill. Doom 3 there would be one or two but much harder to kill making it boring
Will I be disappointed with Doom 4 single player if I am expecting anything like Doom 2 with better graphics? I enjoyed Doom 3 but there was a serious lack of enemies. i.e in Doom 2 you would get attacked sometimes by 50 enemies at once, making it hard but they were easy enough to kill. Doom 3 there would be one or two but much harder to kill making it boring

Take a look at the videos on the previous page (#710). :)
You cant go by the Multiplayer "demo" doom was always gonna be about the single player campaign

From watching game play videos you can turn off all the "glowing enemys when glory kill available" etc etc, with all the gumph turned off and decent graphics options AND a 13h campaign i honestly think it will be fantastic. Well worth a £23 punt anyway.
As a big fan of proper old school Doom and Quake, I am apprehensive after watching all the video available on YouTube...
Watching this video, Im quite impressed with the game options they seem to have included at launch, considering the gameplay is from PS4 too:

Jump to 11:45

* Crosshair Style - Crosshair Off an option maybe?
* Glory Kill highlight - no flashy flashy!
* Enable HUD - saves me having to find a way of hiding it!
* Compass On/Off
* Health bars and prompts etc On/Off

Under video settings (@ 12:15)

* Motion Blur On/Off
* Chromatic Aberration On/Off - Thank ****!
* FOV Slider

With a nice SweetFX config, this should look awesome.
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Take a look at the videos on the previous page (#710). :)

Thanks. Looks pretty slow and mainly 1vs1 battles compared to the originals. Doom for me is still about the level design - traps into rooms or pits filled with enemies, not taking one 1 or 2 things, go around a corner and do the same.

Maybe it was just on the easiest mode that limited the enemies
Thanks. Looks pretty slow and mainly 1vs1 battles compared to the originals. Doom for me is still about the level design - traps into rooms or pits filled with enemies, not taking one 1 or 2 things, go around a corner and do the same.

Maybe it was just on the easiest mode that limited the enemies

I don't know how much you've watched, but there was quite a few enemies from what I can recall. Certainly more than Doom 3 anyhow. :)

You also need to take into account that the idsoftware employee playing the game was using a controller (re movement).
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I don't know how much you've watched, but there was quite a few enemies from what I can recall. Certainly more than Doom 3 anyhow. :)

You also need to take into account that the idsoftware employee playing the game was using a controller (re movement).

Hopefully more than Doom 3 yes.
Playing Doom with a controller :o :rolleyes:

They have until 2035. How this guy managed this is beyond me

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