It constantly happened in d3. Unless you played the BFG edition where they toned it down and fixed the flash light.
It constantly happened in d3
Cheesy monster spawns are my single biggest memory of D3 and there's no place for this sort of cheap design in a modern AAA title. The game could have been amazing if they'd had some more talented level designers.
I actually liked the flashlight not being attached to the gun. Made it far scarier when you have to keep switching to flashlight to see where the enemies are in certain parts. Although I can see why most people that just want to mow down rooms filled with demons wouldn't like that.
Wheres the cheapest to get this from currently
Im going to wait and see what the general consensus is when its out before i decide, only interested in the SP, loved Doom 3, so hoping for more of the same.
It still amazes me they went with cutting edge tech at the time and opted for gameplay gimmicks from 1993. Suppose that lends a lot to the phrase that id are more engine developers than game developers and have been for some time. But even that started to falter with idtech 4 onwards as it only suited corridor shooters and really nothing outdoors, not many studios licensed the doom 3 engine, and afaik they don't license engines out any-more after being bought by bethesda.
It still amazes me they went with cutting edge tech at the time and opted for gameplay gimmicks from 1993. Suppose that lends a lot to the phrase that id are more engine developers than game developers and have been for some time. But even that started to falter with idtech 4 onwards as it only suited corridor shooters and really nothing outdoors, not many studios licensed the doom 3 engine, and afaik they don't license engines out any-more after being bought by bethesda.
Thanks, I'm guessing they will send me a steam key? Will it be after release or straight away?
It still amazes me they went with cutting edge tech at the time and opted for gameplay gimmicks from 1993.