****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Movement still looks like all the worst bits of early Unreal rather than an id game but that shows it off so much better than the console/controller played demos almost got me interested. (As above movement speed seemed better as well which helps a bit).
No weapon wheel in that footage either, and seems somewhat faster paced to some degree. The pc version does have the wheel but you can also switch with number keys or the mouse wheel.
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Purchased this i've played every doom and i won't be missing out on this one. I hope the MP holds up and i can see my self spending some time in DOOM snapmap or whatever it's called.
The retail release of Doom will come with “a single disc,” and like Fallout 4 will require a fairly hefty 45GB download from Steam. Links to officially supported AMD and Nvidia video drivers will be provided next week. Which is also when preloading will begin, specifically at 12 am ET on May 11. The actual “launch unlock and server launch” will take place at the following geographically-dependent times:

Getting fed up with this, they did me with fallout 4. I'll be cancelling my pre order now and just download it. People want retail because they have slow internet
The Nightmare Graphics option sounds very interesting, PC only of course.

The Nightmare Graphics option sounds very interesting, PC only of course.


Usually those uber settings just tank your frame-rate for barely any appreciable difference in quality. In a lot games these days going from around medium to high to ultra the differences are pretty much negligible.

I just hope they've upped their texture quality, this megatexture gimmick was hyped but all it seems to deliver is barely adequate textures coupled with pop-in. Doom 3 had crap textures long before megatexture stumbled onto the scene drunk promising the world, but its almost forgiveable given the gpu's back then had much less ram (around 512mb for the high end) plus the fact that id were doing a lot of other effects that also ate up vram.

For rage id hyped the fact it was streaming 30+ gigs of textures, they just forgot to tell anyone they looked like they had been compressed, **** on, then stretched to make them super blurry.
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Usually those uber settings just tank your frame-rate for barely any appreciable difference in quality. In a lot games these days going from around medium to high to ultra the differences are pretty much negligible.

I just hope they've upped their texture quality, this megatexture gimmick was hyped but all it seems to deliver is barely adequate textures coupled with pop-in. Doom 3 had crap textures long before megatexture stumbled onto the scene drunk promising the world, but its almost forgiveable given the gpu's back then had much less ram (around 512mb for the high end) plus the fact that id were doing a lot of other effects that also ate up vram.

For rage id hyped the fact it was streaming 30+ gigs of textures, they just forgot to tell anyone they looked like they had been compressed, **** on, then stretched to make them super blurry.

On top of that people ended up somehow with about a quarter of the already ropey resolution - can't seem to find my screenshots but they had like twice the texture detail compared to most people heh.
No weapon wheel in that footage either, and seems somewhat faster paced to some degree. The pc version does have the wheel but you can also switch with number keys or the mouse wheel.

And very few 'glory' kills. The way to go IMO. Just a straight up shooter like it was meant to be, needs more things shooting at you though, and not just 'spawning behind you' cheese strat they used for Doom 3.
Getting fed up with this, they did me with fallout 4. I'll be cancelling my pre order now and just download it. People want retail because they have slow internet

I actually forgot Doom 3 came on 3 discs.
And very few 'glory' kills. The way to go IMO. Just a straight up shooter like it was meant to be, needs more things shooting at you though, and not just 'spawning behind you' cheese strat they used for Doom 3.

Doom 3 just had too many things like that in the game that got old fast. Walk through a totally empty room, next thing you know a zombie human is attacking you from behind with no obvious place he came from. I can buy the imps attacking you from behind as they spawn in but it seemed like most enemies just appeared out of thin air or a "monster closet".

An hour into the game and you had already seen every trick the game had to try and surprise you and it just got stale fast. Open a door to see an imp leaping at you, zzzz, pick up a power-up to trigger imps spawning in or magical closets that the base has inexplicably stocked with imps opening to attack you, zzzz.

Those and being attacked from behind were pretty much all the game had in terms of how you ended up being attacked. They went all out for the visuals (and to be fair by the time it came out they weren't all that either, incredibly angular models and ropey textures) and the game-play reeked of a decade of staleness.
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