****Official Doom 4 Thread****

FlyVPN not working for me either. Steam keeps saying that I'm in the UK even though the VPN is working fine on literally everything else.
Flyvpn, use second login detail > Oceania > Australia 1 wait for green connect text then boot up steam seemed to work first time here.
no need for vpn for me, by times its downloaded the game be already out! 16hrs remaining and started it at 22.00 last night.
Says this on the steam news page for Doom:
'Please note that NVIDIA driver version 365.19 will also be available for download soon. '
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Foundry stage is pretty easy to get lost in i find. This really is what Doom 3 SHOULD have been imo, its so fluid and feels really good to play.
Preloading now! Should pass the time for the weekend!

Was not impressed with beta multiplayer, but with all the videos of single player it looks good and worth £24. Can't be worse then the £25 I spent on battlefront :p

You guys playing already (VPN?)... how is it? run ok? I'll have to read back a bit on this thread!

I think I will wait for tomorrow, finish work get the shopping in and then have blast!

Some 4k piccies





Gunplay seems very solid as is the movement, the glory kills are very fluid as well. :) Think thats it on ultra nightmare with cinematic effect enabled. Doesn't seem to be a built in benchmark :(

After looking through the options again ultra nightmare doesn't seem to be an actual graphics setting. Nightmare is found under show performance metrics but the actual video options scale upto ultra. Unless nightmare is the addition of the cinematic, gritty effects?

Looks very nice! :)
Well guys for those that dont have it working here is what i had to do.....

this was under windows 10 and i was getting annoyed as well cause no matter what i tryed working in the past didnt work now.....

ignore steam showing uk prices lol that was my first mistake

right here is the guide....

1: connect to your VPN program @new zealand
2: open the windows 10 settings : navigate to time and language, and select Region and language change that to : New Zealand
3: within the same settings click on the date and time tab : make sure set time automatically is set then untick set time zone automatically and change the timezone to UTC+12.00 Coorddinated Univeral Time +12

then wait 2 minutes close all tabs and start up steam and even though it still shows £ uk prices ect ect, doom should start to unpack and be playable ;)

have fun...
Says this on the steam news page for Doom:
'Please note that NVIDIA driver version 365.19 will also be available for download soon. '

Will it make any difference? I'm on 364.72 and don't like upgrading unless something is broken or a new driver offers something extra (fps, less glitches/bugs etc.)
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