****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Strange how people are getting issues with VPN unlocking. Id never used a VPN before to unlock a game early, but 1st try and worked a treat.

On Windows 8.1 fully up to date.
Download FlyVPN and install.
Log in with Trial username/password off their site.
Choose Oceania, Australia or NZ.
Click Connect.
Open Steam and Doom started unpacking straight away. (didnt change any settings)
Took about 40 minutes to unlock.
VPN timed out during unlock but does not matter once unpacking started.
Reconnect to FlyVPN.
Launch Doom.
Load a Level. (incase any syncing/account creation is needed etc)
Quite Game.
Wait for Steam Sync to complete.
Put Steam in Offline Mode.
Turn off FlyVPN.
Launch Doom.

Will put Steam back online after midnight tonight.
have you not read any of the posts above yours?

Yes. I cannot find the resolution eekfek was playing at with his 970. I did try searching the thread for his username and found nothing.

I did read it was a VPN but skim read so missed it was australia / NZ. I have followed neoglows instructions above and its unpacking now. Thanks neoglow, at least some people are helpful
Strange how people are getting issues with VPN unlocking. Id never used a VPN before to unlock a game early, but 1st try and worked a treat.

On Windows 8.1 fully up to date.
Download FlyVPN and install.
Log in with Trial username/password off their site.
Choose Oceania, Australia or NZ.
Click Connect.
Open Steam and Doom started unpacking straight away. (didnt change any settings)
Took about 40 minutes to unlock.
VPN timed out during unlock but does not matter once unpacking started.
Reconnect to FlyVPN.
Launch Doom.
Load a Level. (incase any syncing/account creation is needed etc)
Quite Game.
Wait for Steam Sync to complete.
Put Steam in Offline Mode.
Turn off FlyVPN.
Launch Doom.

Will put Steam back online after midnight tonight.

It was because we had steam logged into our phones.
Yes. I cannot find the resolution eekfek was playing at with his 970. I did try searching the thread for his username and found nothing.

I did read it was a VPN but skim read so missed it was australia / NZ. I have followed neoglows instructions above and its unpacking now. Thanks neoglow, at least some people are helpful

Sorry fella forgot to put that info in last post :) I'm playing at 2715*1527. I've not tried min/maxing for best performance yet so lobbed everything, at that resolution, to ultra and got roughly 45-60+fps iirc.
I cant work out if I like the game or not, it hasnt clicked with me yet for some reason. I cant work out why.

It just feels very - for lack of a better word - 'console-y'

The whole game feels watered down to me, like its trying to be something but doesnt quite fulfil it. The game world lacks detail, there is very little physics based objects that react to explosions, hardly any of the environment is destrutable and looking up close at some of the textures, wow its 'mega texture RAGE' all over again.

The game audio just lacks oomph, the shotgun is nothing like the old classic Doom version, all the sounds seem muffled and mellow not sharp and loud with lots of flare. Sounds that should go BANG just go poof instead.

I dunno, its very hard to put in words. Dont get me wrong its quite fun to play and the fast paced combat is good but I use - and blame - consoles as an example for giving us games that feel quite separated from their PC roots.

Take the Crysis series for example, the guns in those games actually feel meaty, you fire them off and the sounds actually have depth, even the pistol. The first weapon in Doom quite literally goes pew pew.

Sigh, I'll stick with it but cant help but feel a little disappointed rigth now.
My only real issue with the game is a lot of the time its not immediately obvious where you have to go. The jumping and grabbing mechanic seems to play a huge part in getting to the next part of the level but a lot of the time you'll be looking for a doorway, when you really need to hop onto a box then grab onto a ledge.

Its one of those things where you know how the past games played and they were very grounded with almost no verticality, this is totally the opposite so you have to think along different lines.

The whole game feels watered down to me, like its trying to be something but doesnt quite fulfil it. The game world lacks detail, there is very little physics based objects that react to explosions, hardly any of the environment is destrutable and looking up close at some of the textures, wow its 'mega texture RAGE' all over again.

The game audio just lacks oomph, the shotgun is nothing like the old classic Doom version, all the sounds seem muffled and mellow not sharp and loud with lots of flare. Sounds that should go BANG just go poof instead.

Yeah not much interactivity, you get some barrels flying around and some bits and pieces move around when airlocks open but on the whole much like doom 3 and rage the world is pretty static.

The audio i feel is improved over Doom 3 though weak weapons sounds were also an issue with that, these sound better but things like the plasma rifle just sound almost toy like. I've really not noticed much issue with the textures, not spotted any pop in but not really gone for a close up look to see how the res is up close.
ok, am playing now. Maxed out 2560x1440 gets 60-90fps on a 980Ti

Good points;
Nice graphics
Fluid gameplay
What Doom 3 should have been

Bad points;
Textures don't look great in some places, even when maxed
20 shotgun shells max?? (and ammo boxes clearly show 100 in a case) what the?
Glory kills - not a fan

Not really a bad point but run doesnt seem very fast. Maybe im too used to the speed of Doom 1/2 and Brutal Doom on ultra violence

Here's one of my shots from the start - http://i.imgur.com/EeR94yF.png
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