****Official Doom 4 Thread****

I think this is turning into another Duke Nukem :(.

according to wiki it seems the game was completely restarted in 2011, so makes sense it's taken so long, So yeah it is another duke nukem, how many times did they throw that game out and start it again? lol

oh it was restarted because it was overly scripted and linear prior to 2011, so yeah might actually be a good thing.
I hope the beta is out for us Wolfenstein buyers as promised in a distant time far far away...
Holding back a massive urge to kiss someone in the office.......so excited.


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They really went all out with that, i think the closest to that is jj abrams bringing like 3 frames of star trek 2 on an american chat show.

Suppose thats the point though but 11 seconds of gameplay would have been far more interesting. :(

Will this make id software relevant again? Suppose thats the real question seeing as carmack is long gone and for years they were known only as an engine company.
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Massive smile appeared at the sight of The Revenant.

Despite the troubled development stories I hope this delivers. Fingers crossed we will get details of the Beta during E3.
Hello excessive use of depth of field :D

I think we are in for a treat, UE4 is capable of some truly stunning lighting effects.
it looks like that cause its in dev mode.

cant wait to see proper footage most anticipated game for me for years. big doom fan :cool:
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