****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Check your Monitor refreshrate in NV Control panel, some folks reported it getting locked down lower, and make sure adaptive or vsync isn't on in the game.

My refresh rate is 110hz but I tried 60hz too, didn't make a difference. V-sync off in game and forced off in nvidia drivers. :( really annoying
Great game. Only running on a single GTX 980 Ti @ 4K everything is maxed out including the highest AA scheme & 60FPS at all times.

Gfx are decent its a classic old school 1990s Doom experience so far :D

Also uses Denuvo DRM so no pirating means increased PC sales!!
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Just reached the foundry, that 'Thumbs up' T2 stylee when you fall in the molten metal cracked me up :D
Just finished the single player after nearly 8 hours play time on hurt me plenty:

TLDR = It's very good and worth the money!

Spoilers in the following about the storyline:

I really don't understand who the DOOM guy actually is. Is he a demon? Is this a sequel to the first 2 games and completely ignores 3? The storyline suggests that you where found in hell in a tomb, along with your armour and the security camera shows people praying or doing a ritual at where you get off the bed.

The last boss encounter seems to come out of nowhere and whilst the choice of boss was awesome, I'd have liked to have seen the smaller versions throughout the later half of the game, just like the first 2 DOOM games.

The weapons in the game are so damn good. I thought the shotgun would have been useless by the end of the game due to the far better super shotgun, yet the modifications to it really make it stand out. My personal favourite is the explosive round which has a mastery of a cluster explosion which deals huge damage to even harder demons such as the mancobus etc!

If you buy the game for the single player experience, expect a mixture between serious sam 1/2 in terms of movement along with painkillers approach to weapons and their mods being pivotal to the fights ahead. I personally loved this design and the "arena" style room to room combat is also quite interesting and doesn't get boring, which was my main concern. There's plenty of ways to kill each type of enemy in the game in each of the area's you go into, which reminded me of bulletstorm. There's also a system akin to bulletstorms "skill kill" where you have to kill specific enemies in specific ways to get weapon unlocks faster. An example of this is doing a falling glory kill on a baron of hell, one of the largest and most dangerous demons in the game :D

The game also has challenge mode stuff to enhance the gameplay experience in the form of "runes". Think of these like perks which you have to pass a trial to unlock them first. An example of this is you have 6 seconds to kill 30 enemies with the super shotgun, with each kill giving you +2 seconds and a glory kill +4. Sounds easy, but they aren't all spawned into the room at the start and the room has 2 different levels and a lot of line of sight issues meaning you have to pick a section to run to and pray there's an enemy there or you fail the trial and have to restart it again. The rewards from these are variable, but usually stuff like getting more ammo from enemies, which can then be upgraded after you collect 500 ammo to then have a chance of getting BFG rounds from larger demons too.

To note, I must have died about 15 times on hurt me plenty difficulty as you can get forced into some very tight situations before you get certain weapons to make life far more simple. I'm going to replay the game on a much harder setting to see what its got in store for me!
I'm loving this, runs so well and my 290X keeps it at around 60FPS for the most part, regular dips but I dont notice them at all its so smooth and looks incredible with everything on Ultra at 1440p apart from the setting that gives the 5GB warning

The sound seems to be Stereo though, no 5.1 for me, anyone else noticed that?
Everything maxed (apart from motion blur and DOF which I turn off) running sweetly so far, well above 100 fps but I'll have to wait until the kids are in bed until I can get a proper go on it, don't want them having nightmares! :D
This in 21.9 is pretty epic. I also had to re adjust the gamma after walking about in the pitch black. First game I've really noticed how well ips comes across after many years using VA panels. The colours are truly epic and this game has made (along with racing sims) my purchase of the AOC 21.9 ips 1440p display. I'm truly happy right now (awaiting a single 1080 to replace my 980). Also this double jump. Is literally 2 presses on the jump button ?
This in 21.9 is pretty epic. I also had to re adjust the gamma after walking about in the pitch black. First game I've really noticed how well ips comes across after many years using VA panels. The colours are truly epic and this game has made (along with racing sims) my purchase of the AOC 21.9 ips 1440p display. I'm truly happy right now (awaiting a single 1080 to replace my 980). Also this double jump. Is literally 2 presses on the jump button ?

You have to find the boots first to do double jumping, then yes, its 2 presses of the spacebar
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