****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Runs really superb on my GTX 980, 4790k, 16 gig ram @3440 x1440. Steady 60 for easy. Latest nvidia drivers. Good old frag fest with lovely visuals. Reading some people struggling with 980ti's @ same res baffles me.
Enjoying it so far


Spoiler free verdict of singleplayer (so far) by anyone?

2 hours in and I'm loving it. I never played any previous Doom games but this is exactly what I thought it'd be: fast, chaotic and challenging. I've been after an FPS like this for a long time and nothing similar was quite doing it for me. I could (and probably will) play this all night :cool:

I'm having one issue with it though which is that I get an instant crash to desktop out of nowhere every 40 mins or so. Anyone else having this issue? (GTX970 with latest drivers, Windows 10)
This thread definitely makes positive reading. I might get it when they release crossfire support, want to enjoy the graphics when I play it for the first time. Anyone played the multiplayer now it's finalfinal?
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