****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Really enjoying this so far
My Titan X @ 1500mhz see's 90/100fps all the way through 3440*1440p (Ultra'd out everything)
Couple of things that annoy me - hurt me plenty seems a little easy, only 3 level in...does it get harder? Ultra Violence seems to hard big gap...
I keep forgettin to use my chainsaw!!

Oh and what are the 4 red blocks under the gun icon?
Nobody else got this continue game bug after loading a new area/dying? Clicking doesn't start the game again...
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Loving the glory kill on the revenant where the marine basically smashes its skull by slamming its 2 rocket launchers into it. :D

Ran into my first Barons of Hell, weird thing is he was attacking the smaller demons around him before starting on me :eek:
Tried buying this with SimplyGames but I used my other email instead of my PayPal one, they said they would send an verification email but I haven't got it. It says this in my PayPal account:

This is a temporary authorisation to make sure your funding source will cover the payment. Your funding source will be charged when SimplyGames completes your order.

EDIT - never mind, Gmail surprisingly put the email in spam.
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I tested the resolution setting, going from 100, 90, 80 and 70 and they is a noticeable change. The game becomes more blurry, might be hard to see while just paying, but side my side its quite a big difference.
Tried buying this with SimplyGames but I used my other email instead of my PayPal one, they said they would send an verification email but I haven't got it. It says this in my PayPal account:

Just to clarify you checked your email address you used for paypal? I had this same problem but the verify mail was there.. I hope you get it sorted.
Enjoying this so far. Two annoying things:

Swapping out jump for mouse 2 and weapon mod to space bar results in clicking to continue not working. Ctrl Alt Delete to task manager, going back in and then resuming fixes this. By default, this doesn't happen as Space continues.

Going from Mission 2 into Meltdown resulted in a drastic fps drop. GPU usage at less than 40% and 20-30 fps. Exiting the game and reloading has resolved. Tried most things in game first, no resolution.
So our internet is beyond terrible, landlord upgraded us to Sky Fibre from their normal broadband package which somehow is even worse........


I can't even buffer a 4 minute YouTube link at 144p :(
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I tested the resolution setting, going from 100, 90, 80 and 70 and they is a noticeable change. The game becomes more blurry, might be hard to see while just paying, but side my side its quite a big difference.

Last night I wasn't seeing too much difference, but today I played around and took screenshots at each setting then alt-tabbed into windows to inspect. Definitely more washed out and less sharp at 50 resolution scale vs 75, but 100 is still the sharpest. 75-80 is the sweet spot for quality vs consistent 60fps.
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