****Official Doom 4 Thread****

Not sure about that, for csgo at least Im 5:4 now and if I switch to 16:9 it feels like looking at a fish tank everything seems distorted but its whatever you are used to and my old crt was 5:4..
Re the folks reporting motion sickness, I mentioned this a couple of pages ago while watching the missus play PS4 version on the 55" screen. Absolutely nothing to do with the blood or gore and I'm not someone who gets car/plane train/boat or any other sick but (new) Doom had me nauseous to my stomach after watching for just a few minutes.
No other game (PC or console) in the last 15 years has had that effect on me. Will have to wait until July to see how the PC version affects me as the DVD version has gone away for my birthday but have to say I'm moderately concerned.

It certainly sounds like a game where people should heed the photosensitive warnings, for once.
Don't know how much game I've got left at 9 hrs, supposedly it's quite a long campaign...

I wouldnt call 13 hours long.. If you find every secret and do every challenge it'll pad it out to a lot longer, but just flying through the game as a lot do its around 13 hours long. Roughly an hour per mission.
I only started getting them in the latter part of the game: two or three failed launches of the game and about three in game.

All mine went after steam updated and reatarted. Steam / ID must have been messing with something or other is all i can think.

I cant wait for some for of sound patch, the levels are rubbish in that you cannot hear when you take damage and enemy footsteps. Weapon sounds are also pretty weak compared to doom1/2/3. Im not really sure what the sound guy was doing to be honest - he should have had a play on doom 1/2 again to remind him of how to get the levels correct
I cant wait for some for of sound patch, the levels are rubbish in that you cannot hear when you take damage and enemy footsteps. Weapon sounds are also pretty weak compared to doom1/2/3. Im not really sure what the sound guy was doing to be honest - he should have had a play on doom 1/2 again to remind him of how to get the levels correct

I like the sound in the game, but I have noticed one or two strange things. One is in the classic maps (may apply to the main game - can't remember off the top of my head), where at times the enemies will be able to see me through a wall and start shooting (starts about 1:05 & again at 4:55). The other is after they've been killed, I can still hear sounds suggesting that they are alive and not dead (about 2:25). That's the way it seems to me anyway.

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. Weapon sounds are also pretty weak compared to doom1/2/3.

About the first time I've seen someone link doom 3 with good weapons sounds :p That was a big criticism of doom 3 and also one of the first things people changed with sounds form the leaked e3 build.
Anyone have issues getting it to run full screen when you;re not running native monitor res? Just seems to plonk it into a window instead of filling out the screen, thats with full screen selected. :confused:

You think SLI is needed? I've been reading a lot of great things about single card performance.

Game does run really well, sli is not needed at all imo.
You think SLI is needed? I've been reading a lot of great things about single card performance.

It is for me, I only have two gtx 770's, performance is okay but could be better

Have around 60 fps most of the time, normally I wouldn't mind especially for single player, but this game is fast paced and I'm playing on Nightmare, and I plan on playing Ultra Nightmare after that so higher fps would be much better. That's why I'm trying to hold off on the game until SLI is supported. :p
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:confused:Got to level 3 and still havent figured how to throw a grenade?

I had exactly the same problem until I realised that they were not a weapon as such and I had to 'use item' (left ctrl).

Great boom boom toys and very satisfying when the spawn of Satan are splattered across a room:D
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