****Official Doom 4 Thread****

About the first time I've seen someone link doom 3 with good weapons sounds :p That was a big criticism of doom 3 and also one of the first things people changed with sounds form the leaked e3 build.

Yeh, scrap i said that about Doom 3. I have been playing it modded to the brim for years so its looks and sounds a lot better.

They do need to beef up the sounds a bit in doom 4 though. Especially the sound of getting injured
Love this game. First play through on Ultra-Violence. Definitely going to try again on Nightmare.

Does the difficulty scale just the damage of the enemy or the amount of enemies as well?
GeForce Experience

I'm having trouble with my GeForce Experience not picking up the game when I scan. It picks up every other game in my Steam folder??

Haven't thrown a single grenade all campaign so far, mostly just forget as I'm only on hurt me plenty and most things get one shot by the big boy guns. Surprised how often I'm using the combat shotgun though even though I have a super shotgun fullupgraded, seem to only pull that out against the fatties and the fliers, though I guess it would be a waste of ammo to use it on imps, soldiers and zombies.

Anyone found the BFG yet? Like every other DOOM game I ended up blowing myself up with it the first time I fired it, literally do it every DOOM. :eek:
Grenades are great. The first thing I upgrade was equipment no.s and recharge rate. And the rune that makes equipment more powerful. It's like a rocket, just more so :)
I'm having trouble with my GeForce Experience not picking up the game when I scan. It picks up every other game in my Steam folder??


Not sure, initially thought it was due to it not showing in Steam profiles, seems like this is sorted.
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I use a 2500k @ 4.4 with a G1 970, I have everything set to ultra and run it on a 344x1440 monitor.
I don't bother with fps, all I can say is it runs beautifully for me.

When I did turn on the in game fps I was getting anything between 50-65 in the complex and dropped to 45 - 55 in Mars.

If you're an fps junkie then drop the settings a bit I suppose, game will still look awesome.

For the guys above who have never thrown a grenade, swap it to he hologram when you're low on health and give yourself some breathing space.
Just finished the campaign which clocked in at 12 hours, that's with a little exploration on the side to find a few of the secrets. Absolutely loved this from start to finish and it's a prime example of gameplay done right. It's fast, fluid, responsive, brutal and just all round great to play.

Looks very nice too, ran like a dream and despite a few crashes to desktop mainly during the mid section of the game I'd rate it very highly and recommend it to anyone. Not dethroned Dark Souls 3 as my favourite game of the year but then comparing the two would be totally unfair anyway as both provide a very different experience.

Anyone on the fence about this like I was, I'd definitely give it a chance. Thoroughly enjoyable game!
Hello there big monsta.

Does my gun taste good?

I guess it was mind blowing. :cool:

I must admit I didn't like the look of this from the previews, esp. as I liked the slower paced Doom3, and this seemed to be more like an offline multiplayer/bot single player game - which it kind of is - but, and it's a big but.... its great fun. I've only played around two hours, but so far its been a blast. I like the bouts of manic fighting, followed by periods of calm, with a little exploration.... it has a nice balance.

My only issue is my hardware is struggling at times (2500K@ 4.5 - GTX670 2GB - 8GB 1600mhz RAM) but this is to be expected when my GPU only meets the min spec.... having said that on Med settings I get 28 to 60fps and its mostly above 30fps, so I can deal with it... it looks pretty good too.

So far 8/10.
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