*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Well, I learnt quite a lot and was around 4k mmr when I played and generally sticked to the common items on most heroes since they are usually common for a reason :p

Of course there is some exceptions.
I agree they are generally the best but probably the best example I have is Shadowblade on Lycan.

Got slated for taking that and called a noob etc before going on a 12 kill streak and pretty much solo winning the game. Stealth wolves, pop ult, amazing stealth gank and mass kill.

Or a slight variation on Blink for Puck taking force staff as a cheaper option which gives added stat benefits.

Little things but useful and give you the edge. Made a few mistakes like abyssal and S&Y but I've never lost a game because of them.
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Manta is by far a better choice on Drow than S&Y. You can use to remove certain disables and dodge spells to which Drow is very susceptible.

Ofc you can always build her with Mask of Madness, Daedelus and Blink daggeru. Ala Cloud Nine :D
Be wary of things which "work" at times, I have played carry Crystal Maiden and won a game, it doesn't mean it's not an awful decision.

Force staff over blink on Puck is not good, and it's not even a cheaper option. Blink has so much synergy with Puck's abilities (phase shift into blink for escapability for example) that it is absolute core.

As for there being a difference between MMR and itemisation... why? Building the wrong items on heroes is akin to not using the hero to it's full ability, therefore a lower MMR is fitting.
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I don't think we were debating if Manta is better than S&Y on drow. More the fact that there are far worst mistakes you can make when building items on drow than S&Y which meshes well with almost any agility carry.
Manta is by far a better choice on Drow than S&Y. You can use to remove certain disables and dodge spells to which Drow is very susceptible.

Ofc you can always build her with Mask of Madness, Daedelus and Blink daggeru. Ala Cloud Nine :D

Got slated a couple a times for building similar to that on Drow recently. MoM into Maelstrom into crit and finishing the Mjollnir.
I don't think we were debating if Manta is better than S&Y on drow. More the fact that there are far worst mistakes you can make when building items on drow than S&Y which meshes well with almost any agility carry.

A certain newb once made Vanguard on MoonQueen (Luna) when he was new to mobas...... ahem I got slated for that one.

Quite often I've made a Desolator on Bounty Hunter and forgot to sell my Orb of Venom. Must stop doing that :D

We all make silly itemisation choices. But I'm with Elixir and No1newts, I hate the standard -no deviation ever- item builds. Sometimes it's fun to just try new things and see what works for yourself. Recently I've copied Xboct and been building blink dagger on Viper. The people at 4k really hate that and call me every name under the sun. They don't stop to think it's actually useful for getting in range/initiation and don't like it because they haven't seen it before. Sometimes I even get called names for making Mek on Viper which really is standard. People can be such item nazis :rolleyes: The dumb thing is that they continue to call names and report me even if we win the freakin game... sigh :confused::p
Shadowblade works on every hero at low level :p Although, saying that I'm pretty sure it works at most levels if they aren't a tryhard stack or a pro team.

No one buys dust or sentries which is also why its so easy to dominate with heroes such as Riki and Clinkz.

Blink is 100% must buy on Puck. You need the ability to blink in and silence/coil a lot of enemies if you see the chance, you can't do that with force staff.
Shadowblade works on every hero at low level :p Although, saying that I'm pretty sure it works at most levels if they aren't a tryhard stack or a pro team.

Yeah this too... people are so often out of position at lower levels that shadow blade has far more opportunities to be worthwhile.
Its pretty funny because blink is at least situationally good on a huge number of heroes whereas lothars is just generally pretty **** at 3k+ mmr, which isn't even particularly high level.

I do laugh at some of the highest rated guides. One of the worst is enchantress which says get midas asp. Some of them do more harm than good.
Branches are the best item in the game. Blink on puck is bad, gg just buy more null talismans.

MoM is good on drow if you have a team that will help you with spacing, or you're coming in like a wrecking ball 15 minutes into the game. The general idea is that if you get caught you're dead anyway.

Casual yasha is so good on pretty much every agi carry (bar **** like void, because **** void).

Lothars (yeah I played a few games of dota1 i'm legit) is good, because people don't understand the idea that your cores are meant to carry dust in the mid game, not your supports (preferably both but core over support if you have to choose) and therefore start flaming once the supports die and there is no detection.

With the mana cost buff, if in doubt buy blink.
Had a horrific game with this Russian bloke who pretty much lost us the game.

From the start he was sat abusing the rest of the game on voice comms for no reason. He was playing OD and was terrible. He was 1/10 at the mid way point. It was a balanced game and we were just edging our way ahead thanks to a very well played Ursa, Ursa kept grabbing Argis from Rosh and it was working really well. Get to a critical point, we kill Rosh again and OD steals Aegis :confused: he then flies out of Rosh and goes afk, gets jumped and ganked and wastes aegis. ******* ****. He then proceeds to abuse us all even more for whatever warped reasoning goes through a Russians mind.

He ended 1/20/6. :(:mad:

Overall I had a **** night last night. Played a bad game as a PA, had a team game with Hedge as BS but I was garbage at the start and by the time I recovered we had only 1 tower and the ancient left with no way of winning. Got a positive k/d but wasn't good enough early. Had another team match as DP and whilst I got a load of towers was distinctly average (Hedge played an amazing Axe) then finished the last game with retard OD and played QoP for the first time in an age, I finished 10/10 but was horribly average once again :(

My 14 of 16 win streak has came to the abrupt end I expected it too :p
Its pretty funny because blink is at least situationally good on a huge number of heroes whereas lothars is just generally pretty **** at 3k+ mmr, which isn't even particularly high level.

I do laugh at some of the highest rated guides. One of the worst is enchantress which says get midas asp. Some of them do more harm than good.

Midas on a carry ench is not that bad depending on how the game is going, it's more about the faster XP than the gold.
Yeah, I don't think midas is bad on Ench either if you they have a mid hero that is hard to gank and you want to just farm up and get a quick aghs and level 16.
Get first blood = get a fast midas
Get horribly behind = catch up midas

I'm a gold/xp whore and I get midas on most heros even when I probably shouldn't. 3.5k - 4.5k mmr is so passive generally that 9 times out of a 10 a midas works out

The only heros I don't really get midas on are spectre, void and Anti mage. Spectre has a radiance and anti mage/void have a battlefury to help farm. There are probably a few more that I didn't mention but meh. It lets you level up so much faster and doesn't take long to pay for itself.

The game would probably be better if midas was removed ;)
It takes like 30 minutes to break even with midas :p

Its overrated on a lot of heroes, thats 2000 gold that could have been used to buy a mek, forcestaff, blink dagger, etc
Get first blood = get a fast midas
Get horribly behind = catch up midas

I'm a gold/xp whore and I get midas on most heros even when I probably shouldn't. 3.5k - 4.5k mmr is so passive generally that 9 times out of a 10 a midas works out

The only heros I don't really get midas on are spectre, void and Anti mage. Spectre has a radiance and anti mage/void have a battlefury to help farm. There are probably a few more that I didn't mention but meh. It lets you level up so much faster and doesn't take long to pay for itself.

The game would probably be better if midas was removed ;)

I agree about anti-mage, but if I get a good start I usually grab midas on Spectre/Void. That being said I don't usually build battlefury on void. Getting faster level 11/16 on both of them is so useful for the improved ults.
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