Anuraj is reigning 1v1 champion...
Does it only record the item if it was in your inventory at the end of the game?
Does it only record the item if it was in your inventory at the end of the game?
I always hang on to my midas late game, gotta keep that attack speed yo.
That's not exactly how the Dotabuff item thing works. It counts items at the END of a game. So yeah, people lose games with Midas etc, but the games they are winning they would have sold their Midas in favour of another item. Clearly people lose games with Midas if that's one of the last items you still have it your 6 slot.
I think the other problem with those stats is that some items are generally only affordable if you are already winning, like the Enchantress' Bloodstone. In my experience this isn't something which is bought 'early' (or even mid) game as there are other priorities.
Yet late game when cash is more readily available - its a nice to have - but by that point the games have generally turned one way or the other already.
I wish I never did the calibration games so early
I just played a game where PA went AFK for 5 minutes, 7 minutes into the game (so abandon), came back and decided to call people noobs. "Going AFK doesn't make me a noob".... I'm sorry are we playing BF4 here or something only I assumed being out of a lane for 5 minutes and getting no XP is basically a game breaker.