*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Not calling you out (never played a game with you) but I find the negativity of players is the biggest bane of this genre as whole.

Negativity breeds negativity, and knowing 1/5 of your team has already written you off isn't the best.

I'm not negative out loud. I'll complain to musty in private chat but I never call gg until it is gg, I'm negative but it makes me try harder if tha makes sense :p
I'm away all week :(

Sitting in a Burger King halfway to Crewe at the mo, rock and roll!

Nab you for a game at the weekend if you are about though.
A note of confidence, just because someone on your team quit, doesn't mean there isn't hope. It depends on the position in the game, the team composition, and how good the player who quite was. Most likely if he quit he was doing badly, in other words feeding. By him quitting it means the enemy heroes get fed less, there's less people competing for last hits, and you also get all his gold, meaning that your supports will be getting more money which they will need, and your carries will also benefit.
Of course, you will be a man down, but again, depending on your team you can use these advantages to perhaps turn the game around. It isn't something you can draft for, but don't give up either!
this game happening? :o

you had no steam details tied to your ocuk account mate so it was just Westy (a friend) almostgfx and I that managed to get a party together.

Try getting added to the ocuk group in game (I think Shamikebab can add you) and then I will try get a game organised another night this week.
Sorry guys I didn't see this last night.

I got my win before bed last night. 8 losses in a row, then finally one good win. Alistair from here ransomed a riki which was a perfect pick against them. Then I chose silencer who rendered their Tide, earthshaker and Invoker useless as soon as a fight initiated.

Good feels!
So we had a game of the All Random Deathmatch last night. Was quite fun tbh.

I think the best thing to do is all buy Skadi. Seams the best item for everyone to have, a general good all rounder. Would be good though if you died and were able to re-buy your items! :)
Im on such a bad streak on this damn game at the minute. My MMR has dropped from 3.1k to 2.7k in under a week. Some games I might have picked wrong or played bad, but the majority are just a total walkover :(
Another loss.

The enemy team was good to be honest but their team composition was so hard to play against.

Lone Druid

I was Lifestealer with a team of Terrorblade, WD. Bane and Puck

It was embarrassing. My q was worth nothing against them. The number of stuns,nukes,disables on their team is quite OP. Managed a few kills but we got annihilated.

400mmr drop in a matter of days. This game is brutal.
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