*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

To play devils advocate if you can TP in that style (considering I will never really go beyond playing ranked mm at the "highest" level) and it works repeatedly is it such a bad thing?

Note: I have no intent of playing it in ranked (unless I pick up countless more unranked practice wins) just playing devils advocate.
You need to realise newts unless your 5k+ MMR then your opinion means less than nothing.

Welcome to dota... If you don't play ranked you'r a scrub, if you don't try hard you'r a scrub. Non ranked is so easy you can choose 5 squishy int heroes and win every game as a team because un ranked is so easy you can literally win with 1 hand.

How dare you discuss dota 2 in a thread created to discuss dota 2...

Oh to be in my teens again/early 20s when being the best meant so much ;)
I only play ranked games but I've never managed to get my MMR above about 3.2k. Currently its about 2.8k. Its quite frustrating but I think its the only way to play. Dont see the point in unranked games any more.
Just had a game where one of our players decided to feed from 2 minutes in. He just kept running down middle lane and feeding their Pudge. Over and over. The pudge was also a classic helmet too and really got off on the fact he was being fed.

The player who was feeding had done it in his previous game too when I looked at his history. His picking history was 99% Riki. Just some pleb who gets off on ruining games for people.

Rather annoyed.
I'm just going to start reporting posts and hope people get banned from this thread if I keep reading people just blatantly being rude.

Newts I enjoy reading what you have to say about your games so keep it coming. I would rather this thread get filled with posts about the game than no posts in it at all.

I selected my favourite hero and the items but where in game does it tell you the average time of when the item was bought? It it just your average time or the average time for that hero and that item?
With regards to a ganking Treant Protector, basically at low MMRs anything can work because it isn't about which heroes are stronger at certain things. Everyone's so bad that you can pick any line-up and still have a chance, it all comes down to which team decides to make more poor decisions in that game.

If you're against people you can get away with it and you enjoy it then fine, but don't go around pretending it's some amazing strategy that people haven't discovered yet. Once you get over 3.5k+ MMR, clowny picks/builds start to get punished far more. Also be sure to keep it in mind when you're thinking about why you're losing games or not progressing up MMR. Sure you might not feed with your bad pick/build, but you might also be removing an essential part of your team by doing it.
pub is pub be it 6k or 3k makes little difference. hell even pro teams in tournaments go for unconventional builds and win easily. tryhards will always tell you to do this and get that until they see some pros use it in a random tournament then it becomes magically viable. just ignore them build items that make sense for the hero and the situation you're in and never be afraid to try new things. you could be doing everything perfectly and still make zero difference at the end.
I'm not claiming it was a pro build, I said it wouldn't work in an organised game but was good in a pub game.

There are such ********* in this thread who for some reason get so het up over people not following the exact suggested build and *gasp* having fun.

If you are so amazing why are not on the official forums theory crafting? Though I would guess the truth is more you are bang average and get your jollies acting amazing to newer players.

As CAI put it if only life was so simple that being the best at dota meant so much :p

I'll keep posting though, all you pro's in here can keep getting off on feeling superior to me though, glad to be of help ;)

pub is pub be it 6k or 3k makes little difference. hell even pro teams in tournaments go for unconventional builds and win easily. tryhards will always tell you to do this and get that until they see some pros use it in a random tournament then it becomes magically viable.

Indeed. Someone in a pub tried it they are useless, if Dendi or someone tried it and it worked he would be the born again Christ and everyone would be playing the build.

Not suggesting this build is anywhere near that viable or viable at all but the attitude in here is hilariously elite from, in the dota scheme of things, complete nobodies :p
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pub is pub be it 6k or 3k makes little difference.

Err... no. Pub at 6k is a lotdifferent from pub at 3k. The pros/people who go for clowny builds in pub at 6k know it's a clowny build and are doing it for a joke, if they win with it they still know it's ridiculous. At 3k they win one game with it and think it's suddenly a legit build that they should do every time.

tryhards will always tell you to do this and get that until they see some pros use it in a random tournament then it becomes magically viable. just ignore them build items that make sense for the hero and the situation you're in and never be afraid to try new things. you could be doing everything perfectly and still make zero difference at the end.

Treant Protector gets picked a lot in pro games recently, how many times has MoM been built on it? Want to hazard a guess?

I'd like to reiterate that if you're having fun with it then feel free, just don't promote it as a serious 'good' build because it isn't and don't be confused if your team-mates get mad or blame your team-mates if you lose.
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Err... no. Pub at 6k is a lotdifferent from pub at 3k. The pros/people who go for clowny builds in pub at 6k know it's a clowny build and are doing it for a joke, if they win with it they still know it's ridiculous. At 3k they win one game with it and think it's suddenly a legit build that they should do every time.

Treant Protector gets picked a lot in pro games recently, how many times has MoM been built on it? Want to hazard a guess?

I'd like to reiterate that if you're having fun with it then feel free, just don't promote it as a serious 'good' build because it isn't and don't be confused if your team-mates get mad or blame your team-mates if you lose.

if you lose your team will blame you or someone else anyway even if you did everything perfectly this is dota we're talking about. the role treant protector plays at pro games prohibits an item like mom but that does not mean that it cant work. teams sometimes pick naga support it doesnt mean that she cant carry and that goes for tons of other heroes.

treant is a hero that was ignored for a long time among tons of other heroes due to pro teams being scared to experiment and just copying one another so a lot of his true potential is unknown. nobody is promoting the mom build as 100% legit but that doesnt mean that it cant work or that we cant talk about it so a bunch of tryhards dont roll their eyes.
if you lose your team will blame you or someone else anyway even if you did everything perfectly this is dota we're talking about. the role treant protector plays at pro games prohibits an item like mom but that does not mean that it cant work. teams sometimes pick naga support it doesnt mean that she cant carry and that goes for tons of other heroes.

Playing an inappropriate/clowny role is not doing something perfectly. Naga gets played as both a support and a carry because she has good support abilities as well as being an agil hero with good stat gain an illusion ability which enables items like radiance to be legitimate, push out all lanes while securing insane amounts of farm. Some heroes are suited to being both, some are not. I played Lich carry with armlet and MoM once, it absolutely destroyed them, is that because it's something that can work and only doesn't get played because people are "scared to experiment?" No, it worked because they were really really bad.

treant is a hero that was ignored for a long time among tons of other heroes due to pro teams being scared to experiment.

It's hardly experimenting, they are playing him exactly like he should conventionally be played.
This is the most legit CM build


Pro players won't do it though. Too scared to experiment.
I have seen that CM build wreck a pub or two. It's quite amusing :)

But I'm definitely in the lowbie group of 2.5k MMR. God damn my life commitments :D I confessed to the fiance the other night that if I didn't have her and my little one I'd be on DOTA2 wayyyyy too much.
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