*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Had a heart in mouth game recently. Had a void on our team who was just wrecking it. Lots of 2-3 man chronos against a very squashy team. Item build was MoM, MKB, Mjolnir, BoT and then he bought 2 rapiers at the same time. We push up to the T3s,their tinker double marches and void pops chrono and MoM while standing in the March under the tower.

Tinker gets one of H the rapiers the lifestealer gets the other. Eventually manage to catch then in a chrono and get one back before pushing for the win.

Don't buy rapiers, people.

Careful you will be told to go and start a blog by some of the elitists ;)


Don't be too put off everyone has to start somewhere. There is a guide that is WELL worth reading here:


Its long but make sure you read it all, even a few times if you can (before and after you play)

I only started playing a few months ago and I was terrible. I still am, but I enjoy it a lot and I would like to think I am getting better.

Play the in-game tutorial, and then play BOT games first before going into actual online games as its VERY easy to completely **** up a game within minutes and people will shout at you for it.

Might be worth trying to get someone nice on OCUK to talk you through a few games (like I did) so you can get to understand the basic concepts and how you can be of use to your team.
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hey guys, is this game hard to pick up? complete noob to it but looks interesting and would like to give it a go.

I love this quote :D

If you've never played a MOBA before mate you really can't just "pick it up and play" I'm afraid. Although as above everyone needs to start somewhere. I was fortunate enough to be taught the basics, then I read and watched a few guides. 2000 hours later I'm "ok" at the game now. Currently 4k MMR so by no means am I good, I'm just better than average. :)

Stick to it, read the guides and be patient with the game. Watch the pros, try the heroes, and play plenty of bot games. The more you play the more you will learn and it will just come to you. Before you know it you'll absolutely love it and be hooked. As above I've wracked up 2000 hours in 18 months lol.

Once you've got it cracked it's the most rewarding game to date :)
hey guys, is this game hard to pick up? complete noob to it but looks interesting and would like to give it a go.

Just to even get to moderate level you will need to memorise 100 heroes, each with a minimum of 4 abilities/passive skills. There is also 100+ items you can buy, some with stats and some with effects (and some don't stack) and one hero can steal any ability from another. Your abilities are EXTREMELY powerful but using them incorrectly can mean instant death as an opponent capitalises on your mistake.

Dota 2 will make no apologies for having the learning gradient of a brick wall but the rewards are unlike any other game, it's one of a handful of very challenging but rewarding games left. The obvious comparison being LoL which in general has a lower difficulty in general as the majority of heroes in LoL have for example, at least 1 escape or 1 stun etc... - some heroes have absolutely nothing but damage in dota (this is not a suggestion to ever play sniper). LoL also gives you about 4x the equivalent mana (you can spam abilities), for some people they find this more fun but dota 2 is more about positioning and ability usage. The balance of dota 2 is very good despite people's moaning here. To put it into perspective, the guy who balances dota 2 takes into consideration the heroes animation used for auto attacks when doing balance.

As a first moba dota 2 is easily the toughest but you get access to all the heroes from the off, you'll get the hang of the basics like last hitting quite quickly and if you get good at dota you can usually move into other games quickly too.

Winning at dota makes you feel like a king but causing your team to lose will make you feel horrible. High risk, high reward.

Murray - no midas/bkb, go carry or go home ;)

that made me laugh more than it should have.


To the chap asking to get into the game I'm happy to help if I can as I am sure Musty will too (speaking for you mate! :D) there are a few good souls in the ocuk group who will help if you need it.

Best advice I can give is ignore the ******* but if someone is genuinely trying to help you then listen as advice from more knowledgable players can only help.
This compendium has to be the worse thing ever, ive lost over 600 damn rankings because of trying to play certain classes. Its so addictive and games last ages :/ does anyone know if you have to play ranked or can ytou play public with these random chars
This compendium has to be the worse thing ever, ive lost over 600 damn rankings because of trying to play certain classes. Its so addictive and games last ages :/ does anyone know if you have to play ranked or can ytou play public with these random chars

afaik you can do it in anything but bot matches.
Hey guys, :P

Ive been playing a lot lately trying to get decent at hard heros like Meepo/Invoker.

It did not take me long to get the hang of meepo as its mainly just controling ur clones and setting them up in control groups etc.

Invoker on the other hand took me a few games remembering the combinations of quas/wex/exort you put in to invoke specific skills. Once i remembered this however its just knowing how to use the abilities and in what order for team fights :P.

I think its fair to say im nearly there and invoker has become my new favourite hero!

Just 2 clips I recorded let me know what you guys think.

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What is the wave ability that silences on Voker?

I've only played a few games as him and still noobie with him but can see a lot of potential.
deafening blast, its Q-W-E to invoke it. Generally used in the middle of a combo to help keep people in place or when being chased/chasing.
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