*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

What is the wave ability that silences on Voker?

I've only played a few games as him and still noobie with him but can see a lot of potential.

Its deafening blast :)

I generally start a team fight with tornado and chaos meteor ready to go with QWE primed and ready to invoke immediately after or emp.

Hey guys :P I tried witch doctor shadow blade combo the other day check it out haha.

I do use forge spirits but when im roaming around the map invis like that ill have my tornado and meteor ready to go.

Anyway like I said im not perfect will be a long time before im that good with him.
Yeah the video isn't really anything impressive. Its basic level Invoker. Also getting an Ultra kill while fountain camping isn't really anything special either.
I wasnt saying it was impressive , I was doing that most of the game with the shadow blade and the whole point is im a noob and never knew you could do it! Also that was the last fight of the game there was no fountain camping before that.

Also I only just started playing invoker and like I said above in the first post about it im a noob and the whole point is im trying to learn a hero who is hard and managed to get some really cool plays recorded for you guys to see.

And to be honest basic level invoker? 8 out of 10 invokers I see in games are terrible at my level and even when playing with higher level people its rare you see decent invokers getting there combos off properly anyway as I said noob learning here. To me basic level invoker is like the **** as i couldn't imagine ever playing him right.
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If you want to see a good invoker watch this.
Much more enjoyable and a lot more skill watching someone use every single skill in a teamfight rather than killing them with 1 combo.

If you want to see a good invoker watch this.
Much more enjoyable and a lot more skill watching someone use every single skill in a teamfight rather than killing them with 1 combo.

Normally the game is over before it gets as far as me finishing my refresher so far. Maybe some day soon I can be that good hehe.
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First game back I selected Slark straight away (daily hero) the other 4 all took melee carries too :rolleyes:

Other team took axe, FV, Lion, Sven and Omni and completely stomped us :p I managed 11/9 but the game was horrific :p welcome back! :D
Just add me, same name as in here.

We had an ocuk game last night, roflstomped the first until they rage quit. Second gar we were over confident going in and selecting early and allowing them to counter pick this we got roflstomped back :p
If you wouldn't mind adding me, Im available to join in. If you look up helier on steam.

Really enjoying random draft at the moment.
I'm done with solo queuing, you just always get utter idiots. For some reason today I though "I'll try ranked, surely they'll be trying" Nope, utter idiots.

Game 1 - Captain picks, Lina, Storm Spirit, Bloodseeker, TA and Ogre Magi (we tried to give him suggestions but he ignores us) into Faceless Void, Witch Doctor, Lich, Invoker and Axe. Game is over before it has begun, we get absolutely wrecked.

Game 2 - Captain ignores us completely picks the entire team without taking into account what anyone can play. He picks Witch Doctor, AA, Anti Mage, Nyx and Centaur. Not too bad a team but I don't think the anti mage had ever played it. Anyway the captain takes the Nyx mid then STAYS THERE FOR 25 MINUTES. We lose all the other lanes, Anti mage rage quits at 0-7. It's ok the nyx got a few kills before we lost because he didn't leave his lane until he had dagon 3/4. GG

Game 3 - **** it I take captain before anyone else to make sure we actually get some communication, we draft a strong team with everyone getting what they want (Puck, PA, Shadow Shaman, Nature's prophet, Ogre Magi) Puck then feeds, ended up 9-16. It's ok though because the Tiny is shut down and PA is out of control! We get up to T3's and then the team refuses to push as 5 so PA/Puck and NP just let them catch up and we lose.

For solo queue these are still my 'ranking' games. The system is just utterly broken, you can do nothing playing with melons like these. I'm sticking to 5 stacks :(
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