*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Its a game that swings massively between being amazing and being damn frustrating. I just had 2 consecutive games. First one I went 16/1 with Nightstalker, our team talked , our support bought items, didnt steal farm etc. Great game.

Second game. I played Axe and Jungled for blink. 2 people together on comms pick Visage and Void and lane together. Together they die a total of 24 times. Enemy team totally trounces us.

Certain individuals can make or break your game. The impact one or two morons can have on a game is unreal.
Its a game that swings massively between being amazing and being damn frustrating. I just had 2 consecutive games. First one I went 16/1 with Nightstalker, our team talked , our support bought items, didnt steal farm etc. Great game.

Second game. I played Axe and Jungled for blink. 2 people together on comms pick Visage and Void and lane together. Together they die a total of 24 times. Enemy team totally trounces us.

Certain individuals can make or break your game. The impact one or two morons can have on a game is unreal.

This is pretty much what I've found. It doesn't matter how amazing you could play, if you have team players who can't play their class, abandon, troll with courier feeding then its very hard to stop the enemy from steamrolling hour base.

I could name endless matches where I've gone mid and gave our carry lots of space only to find a lotus orb and a stout shield on them at 30 minutes.

Abandoned games need to count as an abandoned games need to change affecting MMR in my opinion.
Oh and another one yesterday.. I was tempted to carry but once I saw someone pick Pa on our team I figured we were good so I chose someone with a bit more utility knowing Pa can get farm..

Well, instead this pa decides to build these items in order. Midas, helm of the dominator, bkb and then skull basher. He proceeds to die repeatedly and feed the enemy team to point we lose. As a team we were totally raging at this guy. Now I appreciate some builds differ but battlefury on PA is the go to item imo. I had more xp and gpm than he did and I was undying.
What servers does everyone play on Ranked matches?

I've dropped from 2.8kmmr to 2kmmr very rapidly from players abandoning, calling GG early when it can always be brought back, trolling with couriers, really bad builds etc.

I'm giving US east a go for a while, But Europe low 2000 area mmr is atrocious.

What role are generally playing in ranked(Support, mid, offlane, carry, jungle)? How are you picking your hero?

For example, do you random?
Do you counter pick?
Do you already have your hero chosen in your mind before even queuing?

How big is your hero pool, i.e, how many heroes can you play comfortably?

You are probably better playing unranked for a while to improve your game in-game mechanics and narrowing down your hero pool without the added pressure of +/- 25 points.
Oh and another one yesterday.. I was tempted to carry but once I saw someone pick Pa on our team I figured we were good so I chose someone with a bit more utility knowing Pa can get farm..

Well, instead this pa decides to build these items in order. Midas, helm of the dominator, bkb and then skull basher. He proceeds to die repeatedly and feed the enemy team to point we lose. As a team we were totally raging at this guy. Now I appreciate some builds differ but battlefury on PA is the go to item imo. I had more xp and gpm than he did and I was undying.

Not seeing much wrong with that PA build to be honest, depending on the timings of course. If he got the Midas before 7 mins I would say it's okish. Not something I would personally build on PA, in fact checking dota buff i've only built midas once on her in 99 games and we lost :S

Helm is standard, of course you generally buy it with with a battlefury so you can stack ancients and then rinse those stacks with the cleave but you can still dominate a creep such as the alpha wolve for that bonus damage, or even the frost mage creep for extra armor. Early bkb is again completely fine but I would expect you guys to be grouping up and fighting early/mid game to take advantage of PA before she gets countered and the BKB becomes 5 seconds of uselessness. Basher again, completely standard and goes towards that abyssal blade.
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Battlefury is far from the go to item on PA.

I normally go Skullbasher on PA, BF if I get really early farm.

I've only recently started to get properly into DOTA, I played on and off before but couldn't get into it. Hanging around 2.2k MMR atm, dunno if thats good or not or how it compares to others in the forum?

Still not watched any pro games either so should probably do that with the International coming up.

Be good to have some games with some decent people. Luxotican is my steam name if anybody wants to add me :)
What role are generally playing in ranked(Support, mid, offlane, carry, jungle)? How are you picking your hero?

For example, do you random?
Do you counter pick?
Do you already have your hero chosen in your mind before even queuing?

How big is your hero pool, i.e, how many heroes can you play comfortably?

You are probably better playing unranked for a while to improve your game in-game mechanics and narrowing down your hero pool without the added pressure of +/- 25 points.

I've consistently played unranked for months now due to Ranked matches, Always pick what the team needs wherever I can.

I can say whole heartidly it's not me (maybe 1/10 matches I play badly), However US east coast seems to have better players and people who seem more consistent.

Btw It's Lionel just in case you're wondering :O, my hero pool is varied enough to be able to pick well.
I've consistently played unranked for months now due to Ranked matches, Always pick what the team needs wherever I can.

I can say whole heartidly it's not me (maybe 1/10 matches I play badly), However US east coast seems to have better players and people who seem more consistent.

Btw It's Lionel just in case you're wondering :O, my hero pool is varied enough to be able to pick well.

Ahhhhh it's Lionel, should have said, there is no hope for you mate!

If you are solo queing, don't support at that level, you are playing a losing game if you do that. At 2k MMR the carrys won't make use of any space created and will be constantly missing last hits even if uncontested.

Stick to 2 or 3 offlane heroes and basically don't feed. Once you hit 6 rotate to mid or safelane and make an impact in the game. Keep applying pressure, give your team mates warning that you are on your way mid/safe lane and ping it as you approach.

Feel free to go mid if you are confident enough, pick heroes that can have a high impact in the game, also worth choosing heroes that can catch up on farm, just in case the laning stage goes bad. Never underestimate how important it is to farm during any down time. There should almost be no moment that you are not doing something productive farming or ganking or stacking to farm at a later point.
Not seeing much wrong with that PA build to be honest, depending on the timings of course. If he got the Midas before 7 mins I would say it's okish. Not something I would personally build on PA, in fact checking dota buff i've only built midas once on her in 99 games and we lost :S

Helm is standard, of course you generally buy it with with a battlefury so you can stack ancients and then rinse those stacks with the cleave but you can still dominate a creep such as the alpha wolve for that bonus damage, or even the frost mage creep for extra armor. Early bkb is again completely fine but I would expect you guys to be grouping up and fighting early/mid game to take advantage of PA before she gets countered and the BKB becomes 5 seconds of uselessness. Basher again, completely standard and goes towards that abyssal blade.

I go abyssal lategame and bkb of course, but this guy took about 15 mins to get midas, then when so far behind on farm he never even considered a BF. In my opinion its a vital item to get that farm rate, and like you say, kill ancient stacks etc.

He was just a crap player overall, maybe I jumped onto his item build to justify it, fact is, he was crap.
In the end assuming you are good then there is more chance this feeder/quitter/fool will be on the other team. It's frustrating but in the long run if you are good enough you will rise in mmr.

Despite how much I raged against it in my early dota playing days what Shami says above is certainly true.

I was ranked at 2.1k for ages, I was certain it was wrong and blamed everyone else. Stopped playing ranked and just played normal games for a few month. Improved my hero pool and got better with my best as well as knowledge of other heroes then started playing ranked again and went up to 2.6k in about a week and been between 2.6-2.8k for ages again. I've packed in ranked again and using normal games to improve and I'm sure when I go back I'll jump up a few hundred points again.

As much as you may hate it (I did) MMR tends to be right and an accurate reflection of where you should be.

Personally I still dislike the new patch and the new items, haven't played properly in a fair while but I'll get back into it again one day.
In the end assuming you are good then there is more chance this feeder/quitter/fool will be on the other team. It's frustrating but in the long run if you are good enough you will rise in mmr.

This is ultimately correct. It may take a lot of matches to balance out but the only common factor in all the games I play is me therefore if I consistently play well my MMR will improve. I recently made a concious decision to put in effort to learn more heroes and just generally be less casual about my play and this is being reflected by my MMR.
What servers does everyone play on Ranked matches?

I've dropped from 2.8kmmr to 2kmmr very rapidly from players abandoning, calling GG early when it can always be brought back, trolling with couriers, really bad builds etc.

I'm giving US east a go for a while, But Europe low 2000 area mmr is atrocious.

I have same problem! US East working out?
I play either US East or EU West and see no noticeable difference in quality. Slightly better teamwork and slightly less ragey on the US server but not by much.

Played 3 games since getting back (well 4 but I quit after our Treeant insta d/c, wasn't wasting 40-50mins in the game) won all 3 as viper, BH and WK. Really enjoyed the BH and WK games, we were heavily down and in both games came back for a late win, esoecially satisfying in the WK game when they were trash talking calling us noobs when they were 28/11 up by around 20mins then we snowballed and completely melted them in every team fight :)
To be honest I don't have that many issues, not as much as in the past anyway.

You get the odd game with a clown but it's inevitable.
We should post steam names.

Best way to avoid having muppets on your team is to play with people you can trust.

MMR took a hiding recently due to being out of the game for a few years but building it back up. Was 3k, dropped to 1.5k but back up to 2.1k at the moment.
We should post steam names.

Best way to avoid having muppets on your team is to play with people you can trust.

MMR took a hiding recently due to being out of the game for a few years but building it back up. Was 3k, dropped to 1.5k but back up to 2.1k at the moment.

wow that's a serious drop! what's that like 60 ranked defeats :O I would have completely tilted with a drop like that, what do you think changed in your game?
wow that's a serious drop! what's that like 60 ranked defeats :O I would have completely tilted with a drop like that, what do you think changed in your game?

Well I was out of it for approx 2 years so the game changed as a whole. New heroes, different counter strats, new items and generally the fact that my reactions had slowed. Getting used to it again now, researched all the new stuffs and finally feeling like im "getting it back".

Was abit of a grind.
Slowly edging towards 4k now, 3.7k at the moment.

When caliberated my MMR was at 3.5k so I haven't moved very quickly lol, MMR has been increasing steadily since I recently started playing carry though.

I usually play offlane, but got bored with carries that failed to carry.
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