*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

I'm around 2.2 in Team, only ever really play it with the missus, and shes not the best so that's stopping progression slightly.

If anybody wants to join then more than welcome. Luxotican is my steam name.
I have same problem! US East working out?

I have found people generally use coms more and generally don't troll the game with ridiculous builds or play like a moron.

Moved up from WK to 2.2k then dropped to 2.1 when I went back to EU. Going to stick on US East for a while.

Overall I'm a pretty good player who has the odd bad match, but I think playing at weekends only has dropped me slightly, just not .8k.

Add me if you fancy some games during the weekend

Steam - diabolic_killer
Dota really doesn't want me to see 3k, been hovering around the 2750-2850 area now for the best part of 6 months in solo! >_< Party is nearly there too currently at 2945, although that struggles along as all the people i party with are 3.5-4.1k, so game is hard.
Dota really doesn't want me to see 3k, been hovering around the 2750-2850 area now for the best part of 6 months in solo! >_< Party is nearly there too currently at 2945, although that struggles along as all the people i party with are 3.5-4.1k, so game is hard.

Can you post your dota buff?
Can you post your dota buff?

Sure: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/4985364

Most of my games are normal or high, the ones that say very high are the few times i've ended up playing with both a 4k and a 5k guy at the same time...the 5k guy makes even the 4k guy look like a noob. :D Although i felt i held my own in my jakiro game the otehr day.

EDIT: Infact that jakiro game....I'm 2.9k, king dave is 4k, shinoa is the 5k guy, the AA is 2.1k! So it was a massive field of MMRs (Although AA's solo ranked is over 3k, he's just had a horrible time partying haha)
EDIT: oh and ignore my windranger stats, when i first started out i played pretty much nothing but wr, hence the 200 odd games :p
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I had a truly surreal game last night with 4 players within the first 10 minutes all wanting to jungle. Doom, FV, Enchant and Earth Spirit all killing one camp and just standing round arguing. I was the only person in lane as Lina.

Unsurprisingly we lost, hard. :p
So Leshrac/Undying dual offlane is almost impossible to deal with. Trying to think of a way to counter it as I've seen this duo 5 times now.
So Leshrac/Undying dual offlane is almost impossible to deal with. Trying to think of a way to counter it as I've seen this duo 5 times now.

I've laned something similar, Undying and Veno and it's a joke how easy it is to crush the lane. Someone used it against me last night, I was Bristleback with a support and still got rekt lol.

So yea if you find out the counter let me know :D
I've laned something similar, Undying and Veno and it's a joke how easy it is to crush the lane. Someone used it against me last night, I was Bristleback with a support and still got rekt lol.

So yea if you find out the counter let me know :D

Oh yeah I have played the dirty veno and undying lane before, that's also very strong.

But Lesh/Undying is just as good if not better and lends itself better to late game with carry lesh.

I've not lost to it every game, but I always lose the lane to them. Not sure how you can win that lane, I can't even begin to think of something that would easily handle it.
Oh yeah I have played the dirty veno and undying lane before, that's also very strong.

But Lesh/Undying is just as good if not better and lends itself better to late game with carry lesh.

I've not lost to it every game, but I always lose the lane to them. Not sure how you can win that lane, I can't even begin to think of something that would easily handle it.

You're right, running Lesh as the core in the duo, holy ****.

I've played him middle a few times this patch and he seems broken. Running that duo offlane you are not only crushing their safelane carry but securing farm for Lesh to snowball. That is really dirty.
Last game even when I swapped lanes to go to the offlane, they just changed lanes with me.

They just completely shut me down as a carry as I couldn't farm and as Slark you can't really jungle all that effectively until later in the game.

It's not something I think you will see in pro games, it would be banned out. The curse of pubs I guess!
Not sure if it's changed at all in this patch, but in the last patch i found that playing silcener+Necro in lane was insanely good, constant health and mana drain was difficult for any late game carries or supports to cope with.
I wish I had a silencer in most of my games, very strong hero.

Obviously more so if they have lots of casters, but I think he is strong regardless.
Just opened 7 of these chests, didn't get WR if anyone wants to swap?

I have Spectre, Tusk, Skywrath up for trade :)
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