*** Official Dota 2 Thread ***

Had one of the best games of pub Dota I have ever had with regards to teamwork.

We were pretty a inspired by getting a riki against us, I went BH and offered to help our solo support ES worth courier and upgrade which seemed to set everyone off working together.

We warded all game constant sentries all over the map, ran ganks and constantly communicated all game. They made it difficult by turtling on the t3 but we broke them by seeing their sentries using gem and I baited them out and we counter ganked for win.

Really enjoyable and a truly unexpected pleasure in a pub game! :)
Just got my first ever RAMPAGE last night playing as Tusk.
Started off quite well even though I was mid against a Bristleback + Io.
I think by the time I got my rampage I was 10 - 1.
Went off the boil as the game went on though. My ult not being quite so devastating in the late game spoilt my combo.

On a side note, I'd quite like to start playing with others in a stack (of whatever size) rather than solo queuing all the time.
The only issue is, I'm really low MMR (~1.2k). Is there anyone here around that MMR or at least prepared to play with someone of that MMR?
I had a rampage day before last as Weaver was 13/0/22 by the end then died as we took the core because I was messing about and missed out on my perfect game :p
Just had a great game as TA. We were down heavily by 20mins our mid SS (he cried so hard I just let him have it) had fed 8 kills to their windranger. We were down about 26/4 by 20mins and I must admit I paddied a little and just asked them to finish.
Our team kept playing (the SS about 0/14 by now) after I had a coffee it wasn't ending soon so I just started playing it out. We had all towers down (bar t3) and we were turtled we had a huge fight where our enigma caught them all and we team wiped, got 1 tower down. But by but they kept trying to force the fight up hill so we kept counter attacking (mainly Enig ult) and team killing them. Chipped down their towers I got to Lvl 25 (next best was 21 against their full 25 team bar techies) they had one last push with aegis but we done them again and walked up mid for the win after about 70mins. We were very lucky they were dumb and kept trying to force the fight, let us gain 20 odd kills back and the level gap.

Went 11/8/25 or so and was an amazing win at the end :)
Just had my second ever game as OD.
He feels like he could be a little OP in more experienced hands than mine. Only our AM did better (on our team).
Was a rocky start but we pulled it back. It was an all random game and one of their team got a Meepo (2nd random I think). As you might expect from a 1200 MMR game, he was not great.
Been playing Omniknight a lot recently, had some great games and winning a lot more than i am losing. I guess i've just been lucky with the team i have ended up on. Have a lot more fun playing support.
Phase boots, Eye of skadi, sny, basher. You can't move he hits you to death, has his own built in bkb and a pure damage heal.

I've done it myself and seen it done. Not to say it works every game but it's so easy to get early kills just with his aura his heal and another stun/slow.
Just had one of those annoying games...

We gave up 72 kills, 34 of which came from the very vocal and pingy Russians (I'm guessing) playing Pudge and LC.
Our Tide did die 13 times, but also got 1 kill and 23 assists (of our 46 kills) so it didn't seem so bad.
I did die quite a lot (their Bounty Hunter was fed after laning against the Pudge and LC), 14 times, but did also get 19 of our kills and 11 assists on Tusk.
Our Sniper got 18/12/12, but Sniper can often recover quite well once they get a few items can't they.

The 39/7/14 Bounty Hunter really got us though :(

Currently seem to be on a win 1, lose 1 streak...
Phase boots, Eye of skadi, sny, basher. You can't move he hits you to death, has his own built in bkb and a pure damage heal.

I've done it myself and seen it done. Not to say it works every game but it's so easy to get early kills just with his aura his heal and another stun/slow.

Diffusal deals with the 'bkb' problem. Either pick a hero that can't be slowed (lycan, weaver) or pick one of the many carries that will out farm him. The only way Omni carry works is if you don't have a melee carry that can just beat him up. It's pretty much as bad as Abaddon carry is.
So i got the balance of the bladekeeper set from the compendium coins the other day


I already have this set and i cant trade it or put it on the market however i can gift it,
was wondering if anyone wanted to do some sort of trade for this?
It will obviously have to be someone trusted as ill have to send the item as a gift and then items traded back to me.
If anyone is interested let me know! :)
Anybody got any tips on how to overcome losing streaks in this game, I am rapidly running out of any love for this game.

I have probably only won about 3 out of my past 25 games and it's grinding me down.

So far I have probably played about 300 hours or so, mostly unranked, but recently I have started coming across so many cretins, I decided to play ranked which hasn't helped at all.

I swear every singe game nobody looks at the team composition at all, nobody seems willing to play support. Or the same heroes crop up time and time again, oh look pudge is in mid, oh they have a techies, oh here comes leshrac. And don't even get me started on the "mid or feed" people...

If I pick a support hero for myself then the rest of my team is so incompetent that no matter how well I support we never win.
If I pick a carry/ganker type hero nobody else picks a support and we end up blind with no stealth detection and no map control as a result.

I haven't calibrated my MMR yet, but having lost 6/7 of the ranked games I have played due to trying to support incompetent carries, I'm probably going to end up in the trench tier forever destined to play with morons.

Is the key to winning just to pick the hero of the month or whoever is most OP at the moment and totally ignore the team and try and solo the entire enemy team, because teamwork clearly docent seem to be the answer to this game with so many ****s around in each game.
I say pick undying and play him a lot until you see how much he wrecks newb teams who ignore his tombstone.

When I started dota my go to heroes were Lich, luna and Night Stalker. Crystal maiden is very effective at any stage in low ranks too.

Just play wisely and a good game will come. Be talkative, polite, don't fall into trap of abusing people. Mute someone the second they are a pleb and continue to just play your best.
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