Had a great game just before, really restored my faith in dota. I was having connection issues at start, they waited none dramas, they had similar issues mid game and we returned the favour. No smack talk, no crying, both teams were polite and on us winning (after a brutal 90mins) both teams stayed in chat, talking to each other saying how good a game it was and sharing our commends. Was a mixture of Germans and Dutch and they were spot on.
Surprised we won mind. We had Rub (me) LC, Bristle, Elder and Techies against Sniper, Husk, DP, Pudge and support Silencer. They were a little unbalanced but had a huge early lead but we played right as a team and ultimately won a huge team fight the first time I managed to steal DP's ulti (he was great at quick casting after ulti to stop the steal) huge mega creep 5v5 double DP ult stomp fest that we won and then took the ancient. Good stuff!