*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

Anyone know anywhere with good builds? Any clans accepting people?
Still stuck on what class to play!
I always play a sorcerer type(when I play games that allow me but never really seriously played a mmo) like evil casters dots and aoe not sure I'm sold on the sorcerer though wanted to be a evil necro health stealer and curse caster but haven't seen any builds for them,thinking maybe a bow sorcerer or something (Im awful at making builds)
Will probably be a totally different experience on consoles, the disconnect you get whilst playing on the PC will probably not be noticable

So you saying it will be better? .... I'm really curious to see a guild can function on a console.

For me mmo have always being about the guild.

Adding this for anyone who may be interested one of our senior guild officers will be playing and may even try form the guild/a guild in ESO, so if anyone wants to help or join him, just contact Sengar on our site.
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Hah, I'm the same Chris :D I'd much rather leave the theorycrafting for someone else and just run another build with my own tweaks.


Full of Sorc builds for you :)

Thanks I thought it was only me!! When people work out all the skills that work with each other and the percentages and so on it just makes my head roll and I get lost can't see how they figure it out and with so much choice it just makes things even more confusing tbh!! Hahaha and just don't want to end up with a really poor character or one I don't enjoy playing.
Anyone know anywhere with good builds? Any clans accepting people?
Still stuck on what class to play!
I always play a sorcerer type(when I play games that allow me but never really seriously played a mmo) like evil casters dots and aoe not sure I'm sold on the sorcerer though wanted to be a evil necro health stealer and curse caster but haven't seen any builds for them,thinking maybe a bow sorcerer or something (Im awful at making builds)

Sounds like you would enjoy a nightblade caster. Get a destro fire and ice staff for weapon swapping.

Then spec into the siphon tree, where you have life steal, cripple and many more stealing abilities. Also under the world talents you have the soul tree too.

You could also put points into stealth and be a stealthy life stealing caster. Most people who go life steal night blade caster also turn them selves into vampires as they have a lot of life stealing.
So you saying it will be better? .... I'm really curious to see a guild can function on a console.

Well its been built with/for the console in mind, I can image your average console user rather enjoying the melee combat (uuurgh), the menus are all pretty intuitive with a controller (I don't think controller support is in the PC/Mac versions though, missed a trick there).

Worth getting on console? Not for me, but I hated skyrim on xbox too.
+1 This, being able to choose where to go, what to do in an MMO is refreshing. Also i have to admit that a lot of the quests involve making choices and seeing those choices change the world for worse/or for good is also refreshing to see in an MMO.

It's also how harsh it is at first;

Where do I go? FU and find out.
Why can't I kill everything easy mode? We aren't here to hug you.
Wheeres my full set of starter gear? FU and go find it!

That's the feeling I get which is great. I'm in the world at the mo as a warrior in light pants, med chest and heavy hands and no shield as I haven't been spoon fed into the game and been given the tools to win.

Makes it a complete ***** at times but I think its ace. Great old school touch.

This game is really turning my opinions round the more I play, hands up, I was wrong about this game.
It's got a very old-school feel in that respect, you have to work towards getting yourself geared, rather than just following a quest chain that feeds you one piece of armour after another.

I really had to stop and just soak up the fact that I'd been dumped into the world, that hasn't happened since EQ1.
Been having an amazing weekend in game. Enjoying playing with the classes and figuring out the game more. Got to level 17 and it really really opens up more after level 13. You get less icons and more quests, so it really pushes you to explore.

The combat improvements are fantastic and NPC collision has made for some crazy fights. Was surrounded by 4 werewolves and had to fight for my life as I couldn't run away

Did a couple of hours of pvp too, it's frantic and massive
Was part of a push group around 250 players in size. Ended up at a keep which we deployed the battering rams and catapults, raining fire down on them. But they countered from the flanks while bombing us with hot oil and catapults from the keep. We all died but it was great fun

I have 2 minor gripes at the moment.

1. With pvp being keeps and control based, and with the public being used to battlegrounds, I don't think they will have the imagination to play it the way it's meant. I feels the days of self driven pvp battles are gone and people are too lazy to think outside their battlegrounds. I hope I'm wrong but who knows.

2. They should remove classes and just open up the skill lines to everyone. I feel it will end up that way, as classes are no more then a restraining bolt to stop you from making a Op class.
It's got a very old-school feel in that respect, you have to work towards getting yourself geared, rather than just following a quest chain that feeds you one piece of armour after another.

I really had to stop and just soak up the fact that I'd been dumped into the world, that hasn't happened since EQ1.

People are now upset you're just dumped into the game.

Seems they can't win, starter zones are too linear and boring, but being dumped into the major town is too scary.

The public have no idea what they want, you can see this from SWTOR, public didn't want a LFG tool, 6 weeks in they where screaming for it.

They should stick with dumping people in the zone personally. But you know how the crying public can change things.
I haven't read anyone mention about how varied the quests are! What do you guys think about the questing system? i'm only level 13 but nothing seems to be repetitive yet....?
Anyone had the game delete itself? Every time I go to play only the launcher is left???

I had to download the whole thing 3 times...every time it seemed to delete itself until the third time, when I hit "play" and it actually...played.

Edit: It seems that every time I turn my computer off, it deletes itself.
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Been having an amazing weekend in game. Enjoying playing with the classes and figuring out the game more. Got to level 17 and it really really opens up more after level 13. You get less icons and more quests, so it really pushes you to explore.

The combat improvements are fantastic and NPC collision has made for some crazy fights. Was surrounded by 4 werewolves and had to fight for my life as I couldn't run away

Did a couple of hours of pvp too, it's frantic and massive
Was part of a push group around 250 players in size. Ended up at a keep which we deployed the battering rams and catapults, raining fire down on them. But they countered from the flanks while bombing us with hot oil and catapults from the keep. We all died but it was great fun

I have 2 minor gripes at the moment.

1. With pvp being keeps and control based, and with the public being used to battlegrounds, I don't think they will have the imagination to play it the way it's meant. I feels the days of self driven pvp battles are gone and people are too lazy to think outside their battlegrounds. I hope I'm wrong but who knows.

2. They should remove classes and just open up the skill lines to everyone. I feel it will end up that way, as classes are no more then a restraining bolt to stop you from making a Op class.

Pvp wise I found in daoc and gw2 the narrative builds itself and people get stuck in. You'll lose a few but those are the players best lost anyway.
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