*** Official Elder Scrolls MMO Thread ***

27 May 2010
Honestly, I feel a bit for buying the cheap Nuuvem deal now. The game is easily worth the full asking price for me, personally. I've not been this gripped by an MMO since SWG and EQ2.

Sure it's not perfect and there are lots of things that could be improved, but it's just got that unquantifiable 'thing' that makes me want to play and play and mess around with my character or just sit outside a tavern and pull the lute out for some impromptu busking :D

See you all on the battlefields in two weeks; especially you dirty racist AD twonks ;)
15 Mar 2014
I've played three weekend beta's now but find myself playing it less because like with guild wars 2 I overplayed the beta and when it came to the game being released I got bored of it.

I love the crafting in this game the graphics look pretty sweet at times and combat and animations are improving.
12 Nov 2008
Ok, so I've stuck with the beta for a while longer. I'm really liking the art style, the town designs, pretty much everything except ranged magic combat.
It's just not that involving for some reason. Can't work out why, because it should be more involving than say GW2, but it doesn't feel that way. Infact GW2's combat feels much harder/more difficult.
24 May 2009
North East
Will probably pick it up :p

As others have said it just has something about it. Being cast into the world, not hand held and told to get on with it is marvellous for me. That combined with the character development system and the go and earn it attitude the game enforces on you was just riveting for me. So refreshing to be told to get on with it and ask there have said the quests never seem to repeat one another, not far in but seen no repitition.

Starting to sound like latex I'm getting that carried away :p:(:D
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24 May 2009
North East
Ok, so I've stuck with the beta for a while longer. I'm really liking the art style, the town designs, pretty much everything except ranged magic combat.
It's just not that involving for some reason. Can't work out why, because it should be more involving than say GW2, but it doesn't feel that way. Infact GW2's combat feels much harder/more difficult.

I felt like that for a while and whilst I still find it a bit floaty and airy at times I found it quite tactical as a shield carrier as a well timed block can change a fight. The NPC's seem to read you as well, was his behind my shield against 2 archers and they scampering round trying to find the right angle. Fought some assassin bloke as well who kept leaping over me to attack from the back :p found myself edging in shield up, getting my digs then backing off and waiting for them to commit first. Was hack and slash when I was learning but surprisingly tactical after a while (IMO)
6 Aug 2010
Something i noticed, not sure about what you guys experienced was the npc's seems to try dodge attacks, or work in a group to take you down!

I witnessed a melee enemy attacking me chuck some oil down on the ground and the ranged npc behind him fired a flaming arrow.....never seen that in an mmo before!
27 May 2010
Something i noticed, not sure about what you guys experienced was the npc's seems to try dodge attacks, or work in a group to take you down!

I witnessed a melee enemy attacking me chuck some oil down on the ground and the ranged npc behind him fired a flaming arrow.....never seen that in an mmo before!

"Light it up!" is what they usually shout to an archer when that happens :D

I've also - frequently - had enemies take health potions or the worst, go and cannibalise a corpse or something to regen their health. Spiders are the worst for that, don't fight them near dead bodies!

One thing that has taken me three betas to work out :)o) is interrupting. It's not clear what you have to do and up until now I've been doing what it says (press both mouse buttons) and nothing has been happening. Turns out that when an enemy is charging up a spell or getting ready to throw/shoot something (instead of the white action lines like you get with a melee character its red ones instead) you need to hold rmb and then press lmb to interrupt; works a treat with mages :D

*looks at clock. Hmmm still 30 mins of beta left and I can't sleep.........:o
6 Aug 2010
*looks at clock. Hmmm still 30 mins of beta left and I can't sleep.........:o

You did better than me lol I tried too but could only manage 01:30 before I got too tired.....already miss it lol! This game won't be good for my social life! No game has done that to me since vanilla WoW!

Something else I noticed was the ability to knock enemy's off platforms/bridges, maybe a small thing but something that surprised me! Was fighting a few enemy's on a bridge and I knocked one back into the valley below I watched him fall to his death lol!
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Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
One thing that has taken me three betas to work out :)o) is interrupting. It's not clear what you have to do and up until now I've been doing what it says (press both mouse buttons) and nothing has been happening. Turns out that when an enemy is charging up a spell or getting ready to throw/shoot something (instead of the white action lines like you get with a melee character its red ones instead) you need to hold rmb and then press lmb to interrupt; works a treat with mages :D

The trick with that is that once you perform the interrupt and it puts them into that dazed condition, with the swirl over their heads, if you then perform a partial power attack, it knocks them down 100% of the time, allowing you to give them a slap whilst they are down. I found a youtube video where its explained and it makes an enormous difference to fighting, I went from being able to solo things 1 level above me, to be able to solo things 4 or 5 levels above me
24 May 2009
North East
"Light it up!" is what they usually shout to an archer when that happens :D

I've also - frequently - had enemies take health potions or the worst, go and cannibalise a corpse or something to regen their health. Spiders are the worst for that, don't fight them near dead bodies!

One thing that has taken me three betas to work out :)o) is interrupting. It's not clear what you have to do and up until now I've been doing what it says (press both mouse buttons) and nothing has been happening. Turns out that when an enemy is charging up a spell or getting ready to throw/shoot something (instead of the white action lines like you get with a melee character its red ones instead) you need to hold rmb and then press lmb to interrupt; works a treat with mages :D

*looks at clock. Hmmm still 30 mins of beta left and I can't sleep.........:o

Ah nice! I couldn't quite get the bash thing to work and now I know. Thought I was just being useless :p
25 Jul 2010
A house
So you can knock enemies off the edge of cliffs and they die from the fall damage.

When a mob is charging a melee attack you'll have like golden lines coming from them, this says they are about to do a big hit. If you just hold block, you will block the attack and they'll become disorientated. Then you smack them with a big charged attack to do lots of damage and knock them down.

When a mob is charging a magic attack you'll have red lines coming from them, this says they are about to do a big magic hit. If you hold block and press attack you'll bash them and they'll become disorientated. Then you smack them with a big charged attack to do lots of damage and knock them down.

You can also do this to bosses in dungeons and its a very big thing. Block and bashing is what separates a crap tank and a good tank. Some abilities can't be blocked or bashed and they are normally when a mob puts the red circles, lines etc on the floor.

Groups of mobs depending on their makeup will do things like flank you, light oil on fire, plate and shield users will bash you in aoe and much much more. They also shout what they are doing like "Flank him/her" "Light it on fire" "I have him/her pinned" If you played combat and just stood there spamming swing sword or cast spell, you played the game completely wrong.
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27 May 2010
I mainly played ranged magic in this last beta and I'll tell you, standing still to attack is a very hard habit to get out of. Years of MMOs have conditioned me to make like a statue when casting for fear of cancelling the spell. If you do that in this, you'll last 5 seconds.

As long as they can fix any progression stopping quest bugs, this two weeks can't finish quick enough.

And I didn't know you could block bosses like that. Mind you, if I'm ever close enough to the boss to do that then I'll have been doing something very wrong :D
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