They don't want them! If you want all those features, go to and add them to your game. The devs quite clearly didn't want them included off the bat or they would have added them. I don't want them. Numerous other people that have been following this game with interest, instead of jumping on the 'let's all rag on TESO' one knew full well these things weren't in the devs vision of the game and haven't been asking for them. I would eat a hat if the cries for these things were not from the voices of the tourists and that isn't the people who the devs should be concentrating on.
Say what you like, it still won't change the fact that people that want a game to revolve around what they want, rather than what the devs have originally envisioned, ruined SWG (waaaa, I knew there was perma-death on my jedi but I've lost it because I was showing off. It's not fair SoE, I demand you change it!) and numerous other MMOs.
Except all the features were in, they changed their minds and crumbled to the ES fanboys all in the name of 'immersion' aswell you know. Having the option to see a minimap, buff tracker, SCT, nameplates etc doesnt hurt anyone. if the option to turn it off is there surely that would cater to both crowds? Draw more subs and sustain the longevity of the game?
Well humor and art style are entirely different to basic UI functionality for one - fyi the Wildstar team are actually changing the UI this late into the game. But I quite like the art sytle they have gone with in ESo, they could change the vibrancy in some places imo, everything doesnt need to feel washed out to try and capture that Skyrim appeal As to the UI, you can have a minimal look but still retain a decent level of information, my main gripe with UI would be the god damn ability delay when using the hotbar and the total lack of debuffs (as previously discussed, its all well and good not showing debuffs but give people better tells if that's the route your going, having the latest hot/debuff animation overwrite the 'tell' is silly.)
But yeah, Wildstar is on order and I'm really looking forward to ArcheAge as the PvP looks amazing. Apart from that Black Desert just jumped to the top of my list, I'd advise you to check it out aswell (don't let the screen shake & motion blur in combat fool you, it can be turned off).
First I don't 'rag' on the game as I enjoy playing it, but leaving such basic things out is just plain lazy, and far far far more people want it included hence the reason most people downloaded the mini map addon, I bet you use this addon as well so saying you don't want it is just plain and utter rubbish.
What ever points I have against this game is not biased to-wards or for any other game, I just call it as I see it.
I didn't know that actually! I was completely ambivalent about the game until I'd tried it myself so I never bothered keeping up to date on any information that was floating around. I can't argue with your second point except to say that maybe that's why they included the ability to use add-ons with the game, to make up for the functionality they (you say) removed? All I can say is that as an MMO player of 15 years, I don't miss them.
I don't think he's trolling at all at the moment. He's putting decent arguments forward. They may have a bit of anti-TESO bias but my arguments may have a bit of pro-TESO bias so it evens out.
More than happy to debate with people when it is like this!
I took the plunge and bought this.
Has any one had a problem with not getting their 30 days free game time when registering the game?
i had to set up a subscription which i did through pay pal and it seems like its charged me for a months play and i see no evidence of my 30 days free game time anywhere. Am i missing something.
At the root here it's just personal preference which is why these arguments seem to go round and round. Just because you like (or don't like) certain design decisions it doesn't make a game good or bad it just means you either like or don't like it!
Basically you can:
a) enjoy playing it as-is
b) Download some addons like minimap or buff icons to make the UI fit your own playstyle better
c) Play something else
Ah thank you so its not actually charged me even though it looks like it has ?
Downloading it now i am quite excited i don't think it will be ready to play while tonight though
Just let the people who enjoy it in peace.
We aren't jumping into your threads screaming about rocket houses, toilet humour, childish graphics, f2p aspects and so on. So give us the same respect.
We are playing ESO so we are discussing ESO.
This, i find some people response pretty ridiculous, their only way to combat anything they don't like is to cry troll and then try report to the mods, pretty sure the mods must be sick of having to read all the crap.We are playing ESO so we are discussing ESO.
Feel free to discuss Wildstar in the appropriate thread. Everyone's views are welcome whether they are constructive or criticisms.
Your playing the game?
Do you not think before you reply or type comments ? Can you not be civil ? Did you not request for people to show respect ?