It may well be the wrong attitude to have, but people that constantly rile against decisions the devs have made (in any game, not just this one) are never in it for the good of the game. They won't be lasting subscriptions if they get their way. They'll still bugger off come May (or whenever Wildstar launches) and move onto the next one after that and so on; MMO tourists that they are.
It is much better the devs stick to their guns and don't go changing their philosophy to suit fairweather players, than change things and risk alienating the far larger majority of players that want them to keep things the way they are.
Except all the features were in, they changed their minds and crumbled to the ES fanboys all in the name of 'immersion' aswell you know. Having the option to see a minimap, buff tracker, SCT, nameplates etc doesnt hurt anyone. if the option to turn it off is there surely that would cater to both crowds? Draw more subs and sustain the longevity of the game?
If a load of TESO fans started playing Wildstar (I'm assuming this is going to be your MMO newbie? I've no idea if you're currently playing anything, I'm just using it to illustrate a point) and demanded the removal of all the 'humour', the removal of the UI into one resembling the minimal TESO one and the change of all the bright garish colours into much more sombre and muted ones, I don't suppose you'd be particularly in favour of it and would probably be quite happy to see the back of them.
Well humor and art style are entirely different to basic UI functionality for one
- fyi the Wildstar team are actually changing the UI this late into the game. But I quite like the art sytle they have gone with in ESo, they could change the vibrancy in some places imo, everything doesnt need to feel washed out to try and capture that Skyrim appeal
As to the UI, you can have a minimal look but still retain a decent level of information, my main gripe with UI would be the god damn ability delay when using the hotbar and the total lack of debuffs (as previously discussed, its all well and good not showing debuffs but give people better tells if that's the route your going, having the latest hot/debuff animation overwrite the 'tell' is silly.)
As to my game of choice, currently I'm balls deep into WvW in GW2 again, and enjoying it thoroughly (ESO related, friendly nameplates needs to be in, anonymous PvP is, well dull).
But yeah, Wildstar is on order and I'm really looking forward to ArcheAge as the PvP looks amazing. Apart from that
Black Desert just jumped to the top of my list, I'd advise you to check it out aswell (don't let the screen shake & motion blur in combat fool you, it can be turned off).