Currently a lv24 Nightblade with 23 points in stamina and 0 in health, starting to regret that decision! Went from pulling and 2 shotting entire packs of mobs to getting owned 1v2, do Nightblades need to invest in health at all, or should I be looking out for better gear?
While subbed you essentially 'rent' any DLC that comes out, should you cancel sub you lose access to the DLCs
Should be on their FAQ, cannot access it at work so can't link it.
Currently you rent the DLCs but went unsubbed you lose access to them - obviously you can use the Crowns you get each month to purchase them if you like.
Currently there are no plans on a Loyalty programme where being subbed for X amount of time means you then 'own' a DLC. Though it would not surprise me if that is what they do in the future as an incentive.
It is not really surprising. Financially it wouldn't work to have subscribers keep DLCs - if they did, then whenever a DLC was announced, everyone would just subscribe for a month just before it releases, then cancel striaght after, basically paying $15 for a DLC and 1500 crowns.
Huh. Turns out you are correct.
It should be that if you've subbed for X months after the DLC date, you should get the DLC for free (even if you unsub)
I've had an email saying I can transfer my account to an xbone/ps4 account for £12.99 but the wording is very confusing.
Does this include the game in the price as well or is the £12.99 just literally for the transfer of characters?