What are the rest of its capabilities?
I am looking for something that can control lights on a timer (via relays / mosfets etc), can measure and report temperatures, and based on that info either turn on or off a heater. Ideally all ran from a central control PC and is infinitley expandable.
This way may work, as with a switch it can have plenty of expansion room.
May have to buy one to experminet with. I have no knowledge at all of controllable microcontrollers (I have a makerbot, but that was just a case of uploading their stuff over FTDI and the chip programmer I have somewhere!) Its worth £25 or so anyway for a punt!
so can the Nanode do everything a normal arduino can or is it purely web/html stuff?
I've actually tried. I've started writing one about four times but each time it's not gone well and I've deleted it before posting.
#include "p16f84.inc" ; This includes PIC16F84 definitions for the MPASM assembler
;****Set up the port****
bsf 03h,5 ;Go to Bank 1
MOVLW b'00000' ;Put 00000 into W
movwf 85h ;Move 00000 onto TRISA ? all pins set to output
bcf 03h,5 ;Come back to Bank 0
;****Turn the LED on****
MOVLW b'11111' ;Write W register. In binary this is 11111
movwf 05h ;Now move the contents of W (02h) onto the PortA, whose
;address is 05h ;and also just in case we miss ;the goto instruction.