It's purely based on the fact that in recent times console versions have had far less issues than PC versions. Batman, AC, Watchdogs, GTA IV just of the top of my head. Not saying they are without issue but generally much more polished than their PC counterparts.
This just isn't true, though. That's my point. AC Unity was a massive headache on consoles, too. Watchdogs was a mess on consoles, too. GTAIV came out in what, like 2008(and ran like crap on consoles)? Arkham Knight is a legit example, but these are exceptions, not the norm. There's a ton of terrible console versions of games, too.
This myth that console games are more stable or more optimized is a total myth.
The point I was making about the price is that if you buy the console version you know you're highly like to have a fully playable game on release date whereas if you buy a PC version on release you run the risk of not having that luxury, with the added fact the price on PC will be signiifcantly lower in a shorter space of time than the console version - which to me makes more sense to wait out on the PC rather than throwing £40/50 quid to possibly 'beta' test the port when come December you can play the polished PC version for sub £30 with hundreds of mods to play with.
I'll end up getting it on both, it's a really bad habit
but if I can save money along the way I can justify it to myself
You dont, though. You dont know you're 'highly likely' to have a fully playable version on Day 1 on consoles. That's just completely not true. There's a ton of games even just this generation that needed all kinds of patching before working correctly, first and third party.
Your pricing argument also makes NO sense at all. Buy console version first, which will be expensive, likely around £40, then buy PC cheaper later on, at an additional cost. That is an expensive way to go about it.
If you want to save money, then dont buy *any* versions at all for a while. Or just buy the PC version and dont play it for a month or two. You're still more likely to save money that way then buying the console version *and* the PC version later on.
Seriously, this weird idea that console games are all fantastically optimized and well built is totally ridiculous. They've been messes all throughout not only this generation, but also last generation as well. And in the meantime, devs are better supporting PC versions, making them better than ever. For a PC specific dev like Bethesda, this has never been more true. Their console efforts have been terrible.
I mean, again, do what you want, but your reasoning is awful. Truly awful.