Things not to do with the release of Fallout 4:
Post "MY ORDER HAS SHIPPED!" threads. Yes, we know you pre-ordered the game, and yes we know you're excited. We don't need to know the status of your individual order.
Post shipment tracking updates about where your pre-order is. Seriously, nobody cares about what state your individual order is in. Up-to-the-minute tracking is for you, not for Reddit.
Post "IT'S HERE!" threads, if it's not delivered ridiculously early. That includes pictures of the game case. We know what the cover art looks like. Just like we don't care about when your order ships or where it is, we don't need a flood of "I GOT IT" threads on the 10th.
Post bitching threads about not having received it yet. There will inevitably be people whose orders will be slightly delayed, and if 200 people get it at 10am and 200 more get it at 8pm, we really don't need to hear from the latter complaining about how others have already started playing and you're still waiting for your delivery. (This includes timezone differentials!)