I don't know why but I never got bored of super slow motion blasting something in the face using VATS. Even though I explored every inch of FO3
Looks awesome, very happy. mayby the only negative is the voicing of your character. Probably a few too many spoilers in the vid too for my liking.
Did it mention anywhere how large the map was?
I've just moved a week of my annual leave so will now be working when my kids are on holiday in October so I can have have a week off in November playing FO4.
Does that make me a bad parent?
I don't know why but I never got bored of super slow motion blasting something in the face using VATS. Even though I explored every inch of FO3
Gosh they have that horrid ui still in green no less. Man why.. It totally looks old and out of place in the new game.
OMG wowed by the base building and weapon mod video from E3 up on Youtube. Looks absolutely mental, this is what I been hoping for since Fallout 2, I want to be able to build and make things with everything I salvage. So impressed with the video, couldnt care less if it looks like Fallout 3, I play this game for the immersion and huge content, which F4 looks to have it by the skip load.
Bring on November.
Will be buying the collectors edition. Need that pip boy.
Take that graphical naysayers!
Gonna be a long, long winter.
Correction: VATS with Grim Reaper's Sprint was god mode/easy mode.
I think this was the point - lets you make a successful character without needing to be good at FPS gaming. I loved VATS but it was always optional to my mind - I've done full playthroughs of NV where I used it maybe 2-3 times total, and others where I used it every fight. Options!