I'm having fun with it so far. I really don't understand the whole "graphics must be the best of any game" attitude that a fair amount of people seem to be pushing.
Na, run it at ultra at 1440. I dunno maybe I've seen an done it all before. I could do a better job of the faces with some play-doh and matchsticks.
So far 4 hrs in. Will prob pick it up again just wanted to moan.
Story gripe.
The game has forced me to care about the fact that his wife got shot and his baby kidnapped.
TBH I don't give a hoot! I didn't even know the character. The character was worthless and forgettable. The fact the game is centered and rooted in something I don't really care about annoys me.
Hey, had the same issue as you although slightly different spec. i was around 33 never going higher than 40. played around wtih some config, went to 10 config which was even better -.-
Anyways once i sorted the typo i made in my config i was back to 144fps normal and 100 fps in dense areas on ultra settings @1440p
Changes i made in the falloutpref ini file.
pov to 90
iPresentInterval=0 (uncaps fps)
Oh and also playing fullscreen instead of windowed helped me get my normal fps.
good luck!!
If you need a hand with the above check THIS
Enjoyed playing for 6 or so hours last night, only bug I've got which is annoying is the terminal bug where you exit a terminal and your stuck in place.
Tried a few fixes but none seem to resolve it properly.
Within the steam folder fallout4pref.ini
turn vync on. Problem should then be solved.
Tried that and helped for a while but started again.